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教学设计、课堂实录及教案:牛津深圳3年级下册第11单元mother'day吉林省 - 长春教案

Mother’s day 教案
教学目标:Understanding the new words in context.
Understanding formulaic expressions of good wishes to Mother on Mother’s Day. 
单词:tea follower
句型:What can you do for Mum?
       I can buy some follwers for mum
       I can make the tea for mum
       Happy Mother’s Day!
       I love you. 
Encourage the students to show their love to their mothers.
教学过程Teaching Procedure
Pre-task Activities
Step 1  Introduce mothers.
Enjoy a video
Step 2  Introduce Mother’s Day
Show the calendar and introduce Mother’s Day.
•      Mother's Day is a festival for mothers (节日).
•      In the United States(美国),  it happens every year on the second Sunday in May(五月的第二个星期天). On that day,  the children give their mothers gifts(礼物) such as flowers.
T: Do you love your mum? The second Sunday of May is Mother’s Day. On this day, what does peter do for Mum? Let’s enjoy a story.
Step 1 Teach new words
T: What is peter’s gift for her mother? (follwer tea )
T: Look, these are my gifts for my mum.
Show a pictuure of tea and follwer
Read the new words.
Show different follwers
Red flower:  Wish you happy.  祝你快乐
Pink flower: Thank you.   表达谢意
Yellow flower: Wish you beautiful.  愿你更加美丽
white flower:  Miss you.  想你
Step 3 Sentences: make the tea 
Buy some follwers
T: On Mother’s Day, what do you do for mothers?
(to elicit: I love you. Happy Mother’s Day.)
Step 4 Read the  dialogue.

It’s mother’s Day .
What can I do for Mum?
I have a good idea.
A flower  and a card!
Mum I love you
Happy mother’s Day!
Step 5  Make a card.
Have the students draw a card. Draw some flowers, balloons, etc. Write some words on the card.
Then ask sthdents to show it.
板书设计Blackboard Writing
                                  What can you do for Mum?
                                Ican buy some follwers for mum?
              Make the tea               

课后作业 Say“I love you “to mum
         Hug your mum
课后反思 Reconsideration


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