
视频标签:He spent abo,twenty-one h,in space
视频课题:外研版六年级下册Unit 1 He spent about twenty-one hours in space
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:外研版六年级下册Unit 1 He spent about twenty-one hours in space
1. 语言知识目标
语法:全体学生能运用:He spent about twenty-one hours in space.
词汇:全体学生能理解:spent, about, flew, October, video, proud, someday
2. 语言技能目标
听:全体学生能听懂:He spent about twenty-one hours in space.
说:全体学生能说:He spent about twenty-one hours in space.
4. 学习策略
5. 情感态度
活动1【导入】Step 1. Greeting and lead-in
(1) T: Hello, boys and girls!
Ss: Hello, Linda!
T: Nice to see you!
Ss: Nice to see you, too!
(2) T: Look, who is she?
Ss: She’s Change.
T: Yes. Do you know the story of Change?
Sa: 嫦娥奔月
T: Yes, we can say she flew to the moon. (教读单词flew)
T: Can man fly to the moon?
Ss: Yes.
T: How? By train? By plane or…?
Sb: spaceship
T: Do you want to see some spaceships?
Ss: Yes. Look the video about spaceships and the taikonauts.
T: I’m proud of Yang Liwei. (教读单词proud) What about you?
Sa: I’m proud of Zhai Zhigang.
Sb: I’m proud of Liu Yang. …
T: Yes, we are proud of them. And we are proud of China.
Ss: We are proud of China.
(3) Do you know?
1.( ) is the first Chinese who walked in space(太空漫步).
2.( ) is the first Chinese woman taikonaut(第一个女航天员 ).
3. ( )gave the first space lesson(太空授课).
4. ( )flew into space in Shenzhou V.
板书 Yang Liwei flew into space in Shenzhou V.
活动2【讲授】Step 2. Learning the text
(1) Listen and answer
T: Do you want to know more about Yang Liwei? Open your books, and turn to page 38. Let’s listen and answer the questions.
1. How long did Yang Liwei spend in space?
2. Is Yang Liwei’s son proud of him?
(2) Read and underline the words or sentences you don’t understand. (四人小组阅读并划出不理解的单词或句子,组内讨论解决部分难点。)
(3) Read and try Read it again, find some information(信息) about Yang Liwei.
Who Yang Liwei
When did he go?
Where did he go?
How did he go there?
What did he do?
(4) Read paragraph two together.
(5) Read and write: Yang Liwei’s resume(杨利伟个人简介)
In , Yang Liwei flew into in . He did . He also . He is the first Chinese who went into space. We are all of him.
(6) Listen and repeat
活动3【活动】Step 3. Production
T: Look, here are some other taikonauts. Make a resume for the taikonaut(以表格为参考为他或她制作宇航员个人简介)
活动4【作业】Step 4. Homework
Do you know any other taikonauts? Try to make a resume for him or her.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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