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在线播放:北师大版必修四第11单元 unit 11 The Media Lesson 3 The Advertising Game北京市 - 昌平区

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北师大版必修四第11单元 unit 11 The Media Lesson 3 The Advertising Game北京市 - 昌平区



视频课题:北师大版必修四第11单元 unit 11 The Media Lesson 3 The Advertising Game北京市 - 昌平区

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北师大版必修四第11单元 unit 11 The Media Lesson 3 The Advertising Game北京市 - 昌平区

At the end of this lesson , the students are supposed to be able to:
1. get a clear idea of the main idea of each paragraph and the detailed information in each paragraph;
2. summarize the main idea of the text and be clear of the development of ads;
3. pay attention to public advertisements and shoulder social responsibility.
1. 本班是普通班,大部分学生对英语学习都有一定的兴趣,愿意参与教学活动。但是对英语学习有一定的畏难情绪,尤其是面对篇幅较长,词汇量大的文章时。因此,在本课的学习中进行分段阅读,降低阅读难度,并就每类广告给出实例,帮助学生理解课文,提高学生兴趣。
2. 学生在第十单元已经学习并练习写作过一篇文字广告,对商业广告的语言特点和目的已经有了一定的了解。课前也已经自学过本课的词汇,这些有助于学生理解本篇课文,可以减轻一部分学生的畏难情绪。
3. 通过前3个模块的学习,学生已经对整体阅读和细节阅读的阅读策略有了一定的了解和掌握,但还需进一步练习和巩固。
Important point: Students can understand the main idea of each paragraph and the detailed information in each paragraph.
Difficult point: Students can summarize the main idea of the whole passage.
活动1【导入】Watch an advertisement 
Watch an advertisement and ask students "What have we seen?" to get into the topic quickly.
Read the title and predict the content of the passage. Help the students focus on the meaning of  "game". 
活动3【讲授】Read for the main idea of each paragraph
Students read through the whole passage quicly to check the prediction and try to summarize the main idea of each paragraph. Let the students share how they get the main idea  to make the students focus ont he first and last sentence of each paragraph.
Para.    :  visually attractive ads
Para.    :  ads with design and ideas
Para.    :  classic ads
Para.    :  public ads
Para.    :  ads of humor and unusual ideas
活动4【讲授】Read for detail information
Students read the passage paragraph by pagraph to get the features,problems and solutions to each kind of advertisements by answering questions. The questions are given one by one to help the students dig into the text and there is an advertisement to help the students understand the features after reading each kind of advertisements.
1. Read para. 1 and answer the following questions.
  a. What can we get from a classic ad?
  b. What information is included in a classic ad?
  c. How does the author support his idea?
2. Read para. 2 and answer the following questions.
  a. What’s the problem with classic ads?
  b. How to solve the problem?
3. Read para. 3 and answer the following questions.
  a. Why are modern techniques of design not enough for ads to be noticed in modern cities?
  b. How do the modern ads stand out in competition?
4. Read para.4 and answer the following questions.
  a. Do the ideas linked with the products still work today? Why?
  b. What ideas do today’s advertisers use to make you notice the products?
  c. Are there some other ways to make an ad attractive?
5. Read para. 5 and answer the following questions.
  a. What’s the aim of the public ads?
  b. What are the differences between commercial ads and public ads?
  c. Why do we need public ads?
活动5【讲授】Summarize the main idea of the passage
Students summarize the main idea of the text.
1. Students dususs the author's purpose of writing this article.
2. Students reanalyze the meaning of "game" in the title.
活动7【练习】Fill in the summary
Students finish the summary of the text by filling in the blanks to review the content of the text, practice the key expressions as well as get prepared for the grammer learning.
1. Look up the words: approach; consist of.
2. Write a short passage about the development of advertisments and list your opinions about advertising.

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Advertising”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“北师大版必修四第11单元 unit 11 The Media Lesson 3 The Advertising Game北京市 - 昌平区”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“北师大版必修四第11单元 unit 11 The Media Lesson 3 The Advertising Game北京市 - 昌平区”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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