
视频标签:Noun Clauses
视频课题:高中英语语法与词汇《Revision of Noun Clauses》广东省优课
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人教版高中英语语法与词汇《Revision of Noun Clauses》优课教学-广东省优课
Practice makes perfect!(Fill in the blank)
________worries us a lot these days is ________we put on too much weight and we are frequently anxious. We have some doubts ________ we lack regular exercise. Also, with the college entrance examination approaching, we become more stressed and we couldn’t sleep well these days. Maybe this is also the reason why we become fatter these days. ________we become slimmer and healthier has been our main concern. So we want to consult some experts and gain some instructions. But ________will give us better advice also puzzles us. Could you figure out our problems?
2) Practice makes perfect! (Writing)
1写作目的 2展示个人优势和经历 3希望收到奖学金申请表
Dear Sir/Madam,
1. I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Foreign literature for Bachelor’s Degree in your university (我写信希望……)
2. My solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for college students (我坚信……)
3. I have such a good command of writing (让我出类拔萃的是……)
4. I am considerate, accessible and ready to help others in a team(同学一致同意……)
5. You could send me the Application Form for scholarship(我将……如果……)
Polish the sentences with Noun Clause.
Put the polished translation into a writing with some conjunctions.
3) Practice makes perfect! (Correction)
1.My classmate is the owner of a bookstore close to where is considered the landmark of our city.
2.It is uncertain if he will be admitted.
3.I can well remember if I didn’t pass the Chinese exam last year.
4.The summer holiday is coming. My classmates and I are talking about how to do during the holiday after the exam.
5. My classmate came up with an idea which he would ride a bike to school in case of the traffic jam everyday.
6.It is reported is beyond my expectation.
7.As his best friend, I can make accurate guesses about whether he will do or think.
8.There’s a widespread phenomenon which students rely on mobile phones too much.
《Revision of Noun Clauses》优课教学附件
From Dongguan No.1 Senior High School
Teaching Aims
To guide students to summarize the rules of Noun Clauses.
To make students clear about what kind of Noun Clause it is and how to choose the right conjunction when doing the relevant exercises.
To clarify different pairs of conjunctions that confuse students most, especially under what circumstance we should choose this conjunction instead of that one .
To polish students’ writing by using noun clauses .
To guide students to appreciate some inspirational sentences that cheer them up during the process of chasing their college dreams so as to build up their confidence and strong will when faced with the approaching College Entrance Examination. Teaching Important Points
The grammatical rules of Noun Clauses How to choose the right conjunction How to use Noun Clauses in writing Teaching Difficult Points
How to guide students to conclude the grammatical rules before showing them the summary of Noun Clauses.
How to guide students to clarify different conjunctions that confuse them most and choose the right one when doing the relevant exercises.
How to guide students to beautify their articles by using Noun Clauses properly. Analysis of the Students
Students in Senior Three have learned Noun Clauses before,but many of them fail to choose the right conjunctions when doing the relevant exercises. They get confused of the grammatical rules and make various mistakes when they come across noun clauses. Or rather, they find it challenging to clarify the difference between attributive clauses and noun clauses as well as the difference between appositive clauses and noun clauses, let alone use Noun Clauses to beautify their articles.
More importantly, with the College Entrance Examination drawing near, students must have suffered from great pressure and lost their nerve to chase their dreams. They get accustomed to the routines of study but meanwhile they are bored by the seemingly fixed school life, or even worse, depressed by the constant failures and little progress in every test. It is high time that they should be reminded of the positive parts and the very initial goal so as to remove the negative feelings haunting them and build up their confidence and strong will to persevere in the process of chasing the ideal university. Teaching Procedures Step 1
Play a game to guess who is the hero and heroine around them, guiding students to pay attention to the classmates and teachers who accompany them to chase their dreams together with several noun clauses.
【设计思路:从简单的对话问候入手,发现随着高考的趋近,越来越多的学生感觉到压力,消极地面对常规的学习生活,因此引入一个简单的猜人游戏,去关注陪同他们一起砥砺前行,勇敢追梦的身边人,并且用一系列名词性从句引起学生的注意。】 Step 2 Review the grammatical rules of Noun Clauses
Listen to some inspirational sentences that can cheer students up and guide students to figure out what kind of noun clause it is and analyze the structure of the inspiring sentences. Hence students may learn to summarize the grammatical rules of noun clauses. The sentences relevant to noun clauses are shown as follows:
What motivates us is the approaching of the College Entrance Examination V:__________ What kind of Noun Clause:___________________ The reason is that we hope to be admitted to an ideal college
V:__________ What kind of Noun Clause:___________________ We are wondering how we can work more efficiently
V:__________ What kind of Noun Clause:___________________ You have to know where you’re going before you set off
V:__________ What kind of Noun Clause:___________________ We hold the belief that we will eventually achieve our dream.
N:__________ What kind of Noun Clause:___________________ 【设计思路:名词性从句是高考的一个重难点,学生首先在判断名词性从句就存在困惑,所以通过5句激励学生坚定信心的心灵鸡汤(分别代表主句从句,表语从句,宾语从句和同位语从句)来分析句子结构,找出谓语动词,找出从句,判断从句缺何种成分,根据分析,选择恰当的连词,再总结连接词that,whether, if;连接代词what(ever), who(ever), whose, whom which(ever) ;连接副词where(ver),when(ever), how(ever),why 来捋清名词性从句的连接词。】 Step 3 A competition for students into groups by doing various exercises to clarify the confusing pairs of conjunction about noun clauses.
Students are divided into groups and compete to do exercises about noun clauses. In this part, 9 pictures of renowned universities are listed here. Each ideal university represents a kind of exercise to clarify some confusing parts when choosing corresponding conjunction after students figure out the kind of noun clauses. All the sentences are inspirational sentences to inspire students to stay focused and stay determined.
1. Fill in the blank:
The fact ______ we students seem to stay focused during the class was encouraging.
_____ we should bear in mind is that we must focus to see the light though it is during our darkest night.
Confusing pair 1 : that Vs what
2. Correction
As the headteacher, I have no doubt whether all of my students will harvest a better future than I expected
The monitor was once at a loss that he can handle the pressure before the test but he eventually made it.
Confusing pair 2 : that Vs whether 3. Multiple Choice
___we will succeed remains to be seen. A what B that C whether D if
While pursuing my dream, I am just uncertain about __________ it will be of use if I do it repeatedly.
A what B that C whether D if Confusing pair 3 : whether Vs what 4. Fill in the blank
__________comes will not change our determination to fight for our future.
_______ we need to know is that life is not a rehearsal—there is no replay button. Confusing pair 4 : whatever Vs what 5. Lucky Card 6. Fill in the blank
The suggestion _______ the best thing comes when you least expect them to (come) is of great value .
The suggestion _______he made is of great value.
Confusing pair 5 : Appositive Clause Vs Attributive Clause 7. Fill in the blank
_____ has become our belief that the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.
_______ has become our belief is that the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.
Confusing pair 5 : it Vs what 8. Fill in the blank
The chair on _____she sat is made of wood
When asked ______they needed most, the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved.
Confusing pair 6 : attributive clause Vs (Object clause)noun clause 9. Combine the sentences into one by using Object Clause:
The diligent boy checked the doors were closed. The diligent boy checked all the lights were off.
Confusing pair 7: the ellipsis of that
【设计思路:紧扣主题,为激励学生在高三追梦之路中砥砺前行,将九所理想大学的图片设置为游戏,学生分组选择对应的理想大学进行做题,不同大学对应不同的题型去甄别易混淆的名词性从句连词的选择,总结出名词性从句中的8个易混淆的重难点考点,that 和what, it 和what, whatever和what, what 和whether, that和whether, 定语从句同位语从句的区别,定语从句和宾语从句的区别,that的省略等。 同时,所有的句子都是起到激励学生前行的心灵鸡汤美句。】
Step 4 Applying Noun Clauses into a whole passage.
Guide students to apply noun clauses into a whole article, which is also related to the topic
about what we get through during the process of chasing our college dream.
_____worries us a lot these days is ___we put on too much weight and we are frequently anxious. We have some doubts ________ we lack regular exercise. Also, with the college entrance examination approaching, we become more stressed and we couldn’t sleep well these days. Maybe this is also the reason why we become fatter these days. ____ we can become slimmer and healthier has been our main concern. So we want to consult some experts and gain some instructions. But______will give us better advice also puzzles us. Could you figure out our problems?
Step 5 Applying Noun Clauses into writing
After clarify the difficult points of noun clauses, ask students to imagine having finished the College Entrance Examination and becoming a graduate who needs to apply for an ideal university abroad. Focus on the writing assignment and think out the possible noun clauses to beautify the article according to the examples. 假设你是李华,高中毕业后你要申请一所外国名校就读,请你写一封大学申请信,要点如下:1写作目的 2展示个人优势和经历 3希望收到奖学金申请表
1. I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Foreign literature for Bachelor’s Degree in your university (我写信希望……)
2. My solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for college students (我坚信……)
3. I have such a good command of writing (让我出类拔萃的是……)
4. I am considerate, accessible and ready to help others in a team(同学一致同意……) 5. You could send me the Application Form for scholarship(我将……如果……)
【设计思路:经过前面一系列的练习,学生对名词性从句有了一个系统综合的和把握。这个时候,通过假想学生已经毕业,需要申请国外理想大学,亮出写作任务,让学生根据所给的句子提示,使用名词性从句形成自己的亮点句子。】 Step 6 Consolidation and homework
After applying noun clauses into practical use, students are reminded to read three sentences that are carefully selected to share my wishes for them. They are supposed to hold a positive attitude towards the approaching examination and they are shown a story about their senior classmates who finally achieves his dream to be admitted into an ideal university. Hopefully, they can understand it should become our belief that the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. As for the homework, accomplish the writing assignment in 25minutes .
新课标要求教师在教学中鼓励学生通过体验,实践,讨论,合作和探究等方式,自主尝试,通过联想,推理,归纳等思维活动分析、解决问题,使学生在自主学习、合作交流中形成有效的学习策略,培养语言能力(language application),学习能力(learning abilities),文化意识(cultural awareness)和思维品质(thinking quality)。因此在课堂教学中,这节课试图采用新课标提倡的“六要素”(主题,语篇,语言知识,文化知识,学习策略和语言技能)和活动观,将名词性从句这一个高中阶段学生接触的比较重要的语法点,也是英语教学的重点,更是学生学习的难点,同时又是高考考查的热点进行一定的语境学习,考查学生的实际综合运用能力。
教学内容方面,首先,从简单的对话问候入手,发现随着高考的趋近,越来越多的学生感觉到压力,消极地面对常规的学习生活,因此引入一个简单的猜人游戏,去关注陪同他们一起砥砺前行,勇敢追梦的身边人,并且用一系列名词性从句引起学生的注意,其次,听取一些激励学生的心灵鸡汤句子,总结名词性从句的语法规律,然后,将名词性从句八个常混淆的重难点设置成为学生考取八个理想名校所必须经过的关卡,小组竞赛的形式进行攻关做题考取理想大学,总结易混淆点。紧接着在篇章和写作中运用名词性从句,最后,借用本次课中三个心灵鸡汤美句和上届师兄考取北外的故事升华主题,鼓励学生不忘初心,怀抱勇敢的心追梦。从始至终,激励高三学生这个主题贯穿这一个教学设计, 促进学生在思维品质方面有所感触。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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