视频课题:英语高中人教版模块五第五单元第三节《阅读与写作》教学-陕西省 - 西安
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英语高中人教版模块五第五单元第三节《阅读与写作》教学-陕西省 - 西安
关键词:快速阅读 情景再现 写作 情感教育
新课标高中英语必修五第五单元急救Using Language : Heroic Teenager Receives Award 和教师亲身经历为话题(见图片展示:2013年教师在上课途中摔倒骨折,拄着拐杖坚持上课,后来被评为校园感动人物等等),同时引导学生将这一真实案例改编为一个新闻报道的写作任务。 二、教学目标
1. 通过三个层次的文本阅读和归纳总结,了解并发现记叙文的写作特点和方法; 2. 运用在课文中学到的方法和语言结构,描述事件;
3. 了解急救知识的重要,模仿演习急救场面;提高认识:面对危险,责任心使人做出勇敢的举动和正确的选择。 三、学情分析
重点: 发现记叙文的写作特点和方法;
难点:运用在课文中学到的方法和语言结构,先口头描述一个真实事件;然后完成2011年北京高考作文题。 五、 教学过程
Step 1 Warming up and Revision
Students fill in the blanks with proper words based on the picture on the left . Then ,discuss in groups to act it out in class.
Situation : Someone has a ____________(扭伤的) ankle. First aid:
1) Have the __________(受害者 ) sit down. 2) ( 抬高 )__________ the foot.
3) Put an ice pack on the ankle to reduce the
__________( 肿胀).
4) Put a firm __________( 绷带)around the foot and
Step 2 Lead-in
Teacher presents a picture , describing the situation and then asks the questions to lead in the text.
Suppose one day you are reading when you hear your neighbor screaming for help. Looking out of the window, you find her sitting on the ground with her hands bleeding heavily. Will you help? How?
设计意图:通过课文情境再现,让学生设身处地思考:紧急状况下,如何快速思考反应、如何实施急救?模拟场景,引发学生思考,激起阅读的兴趣。 Step 3 Reading for Organization
1.Students read the headline and the first paragraph of the text to get the general idea of the text, that is the questions containing : who\what\when\where\why. Who When Where Why What
2.Then think about what should be included in the first part of a story or a newspaper article.
(Suggested answer: The first part of a story of a piece of news is usually a brief introduction to an event. Students should be reminded that this is also the first writing tip in this period.)
设计意图:第一遍阅读,了解文体和基本结构。本课是篇新闻报道,因此学生通过阅读标题和第一段就能很快抓住文章主旨和大意。同时,阅读也是写作的逆向思维活动,学生也可以通过观察阅读的写作特点掌握写作的技巧。 Step 4 Reading for Ideas
First, students read the rest of the story quickly to put the following statements in the right order.(SB P38 Ex1) 1.The attacker ran away.
2. Anne was attacked and started to scream. 3. John performed first aid on Anne. 4. John was studying in his house. 5. The ambulance arrived.
6. John ran outside with his father.
7. John found Anne in her garden with terrible knife wounds. (The correct order is : 4261735 )
Then, read paragraphs 3 and 4 aloud , noting the linking words.(when„until„etc) Finally,try to retell the story in the first person, noting the tense.
设计意图:第二遍阅读,了解故事内容。学生通过快速默读后做练习一的排序题,掌握故事经过;再次朗读描述事件过程的文本部分,学习连接词的使用;最后用第一人称“我”的身份,复述整个事件经过,同时注意过去式的使用。如此短时间强化反复从认知到掌握到运用英语描述事件过程,为下一步的“说”和“写”提供充实的“语言输入”。 Step 5 Reading for language
1. Students go through the text and find out some useful expressions. 2. Students work in groups to share their findings .Then present in class. 3. Teacher adds some useful patterns.
4. Students read aloud the patterns to note the key structures in them. 5. Students make sentences using the patterns. Added sentences:
1).John was studying in his room when he heard screaming .
2).It was John's quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slade's life. 3).There is no doubt that John's quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slade's life.
4). It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference.
设计意图:第三遍阅读,学习语言表达。学生通过收集、观察特定的表达形式,了解和学习英语的地道表达。同时通过教师的点拨指导,掌握语言结构。最后学生通过造句,熟练掌握各种句型,为后期“语言输出”的“说”和“写”环节积累经验。 Step 6 Speaking
1. Teacher asks students to think about the questions: 1) Do you think John was silly or brave,?why? 2) Would you have done the same as John? 2. Teacher puts an end with the sentences:
Life is full of choices. It’s up to you to make the proper choice.As for me, I choose to face any challenge for my students.
3. Students observe the pictures and answer the questions raised by the teacher, using the patterns learned just now. --What was wrong with me (the teacher in the picture) then? --Who helped me then? How?
--What first aid did the doctor give me? --Did I get on my feet in a short time? --What did my students think of me? --What was I presented with later? (Suggested answers:
I was walking down the stars when I suddenly fell downstairs. It was a boy student who carried me on the back to the clinic. The doctor put an ice pack around the ankle but it didn’t help. It turned out that the ankle was broken.
There was no doubt that I had to stay in bed for 3 months. They showed great respect to me.
I was presented with/ was honored as the Inspiring Teachers in the school district.) 设计意图:真实生活中的情景再现帮助学生在实际生活中体会急救的好处以及学习使用阅读中的语言和写作技巧。首先,教师提问学生对于课文中的救人的年青人怎么看?启发学生思考:面对危险和多种选择时该怎么办?然后,很自然地过渡到“说”的话题。笔者通过自己在2013年被评为校园感动人物的经过和事例,启发学生根据图片再现当时情景:教师在学校楼梯上摔倒—学生背老师去校医室—校医急救—老师拄拐上课—学生深受感动—教师获奖。教师提问细节,学生通过观察图片在教师提示下用英语描述过程,特别提醒学生用当堂所学句型。最后教师升华情感教育:急救知识在生活中真的很重要,同时此事中感动的不仅是学生,还有老师。是师生之间相互的爱和责任,让师生感情弥坚。 Step 7 Writing
Students work in groups to put the speaking into a newspaper report.
1. Students review the writing techniques learned in Reading and Speaking. 2. Work in groups to discuss the writing task and make the first draft. 3. Group leaders present their first drafts orally in class. 4. Work in groups to make the second draft.
设计意图:,有了前面扎实的“语言输入”,作为“语言输出”的写作就是“水到渠成”。首先,复习写作技巧,小组合作讨论写作内容和语言,写出初稿,全班展示;然后学习范文,对比取长补短,再次完成二稿。 Step 8 Assessment
Teacher asks the class: What did you learn in this period? What impressed you most? 设计意图:课堂回顾总结,既有利于帮助学生巩固反思提高,也是教师及时了解学生学情的有效途径。
Step 9 Homework
Finish off the writing and swap to correct the mistakes if any. Learn more about first aid.
The layout (板书设计)
M5Unit5 Reading and Writing
Tips: Language:
1. organization 1. „was doing„when„ 2. tense 2. It is/was„that„ 3. linking words 3. There is no doubt„
4. language 4. be presented with/ be honoured as
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com