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初中英语外研版九年级下册Module 6 Eating together Unit 1 When is the school’s leavers’ party天津市 - 滨海新区

视频标签:Eating toget


视频课题:初中英语外研版九年级下册Module 6 Eating together Unit 1 When is the school’s leavers’ party天津市 - 滨海新区

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初中英语外研版九年级下册Module 6 Eating together Unit 1 When is the school’s leavers’ party天津市 - 滨海新区

To show the usage of words and expressions :(basic goal)invitation,calendar,
balloon,paint, heat, heat up, knife, fork, spoon (extra goal)cheeseburger,Italian
To enhance their listening ability.
To grasp the useful information in listening.
To be able to give some advice on making plans for party.
1.To help the students master the usage of passive voice and they can use the grammar in the life.
2.To learn more information about planning a party through studying.
This unit , the first part of Module 6, mainly focuses on the reading of adialogueand the vocabulary of Parties. Its function is to determine whether the students can absorb useful information such as dialogue, vocabulary and grammar.
It is good to practise reading and listening. 
In addition, the students should be able to give some suggestions about making plans for a party with the help of information in this unit.
Improve the students’ skills of listening and speaking.
To be able to give some advice on making plans for party.
attention and interests.
2Help the students master the new words.
show the Chant of  the new words.
Teach the chant.
1 Imitate the chant.
2 Practise in groups.
1 leading in the topic  “party”.
2 Attract student’s attention and interests.
Play the flash.
Ask some questions about the flash.
Q1 “The party is held for who?”
Q2 “What did Babby pig do for the mummy pig?”
1.See the flash.
2.Answer some questions.
To have the students discuss some questions . let them to get more information about party.
Ask  the students some questions.
Q1 “Do you like to join in a party?”
Q2 “ How do you feel in a party?”
Q3 “What kind of party have you joined in?”
 Have a discussion with the teacher and partners in groups.
1.Improve listening skill.
2.To get useful information through listening .
Show the  listening material tothe students. Ask them to do the Exercice1, complete the invita-
Listen and get information to complete the invitation.
4.Intensive listening
1 To help the students get the main structure of the dialogue.
2 To practice the listening skill and the ability of catching the key information.
Show a table for students to complete.
Play the vedio.
Try to remember the food as much as possible.
1.To practice the ability of imitation
2.  To improve students’intonation.
play the tape for the students.
Listen and imitate
1.To practice the ability of imitation
2.  To improve students’intonation.
play the tape for the students.
Listen and imitate
Have them to practise the speaking in groups.
1.Ask the students to repeat after  the tape.
2.Ask them to read as roles in three minutes
and have them work in pairs to read aloud.
3.Do a speaking competition.
1.listen ,repeat ,imitate,
practice the dialogue
  in groups,
2. read it  carefully and
3.Game :The mark of reading.
7.Group Games
Game1.Answer the questions and review the structure of the passive voice through a game.
Game2. To applicate and use the vocabulary,
Phrases, sentences
Passive voice. Make a dialogue in groups by choosing different topics.
1Show a game to each group ,let them finish in groups.
Then ask the groups to complete the practice .
2Show the tasks for students to make plans for different parties.
1.Join in the game and revise the structure of the passive voice.
2.Work in groups , then
act it in class.
Choose the different
Trickier ,Trickest) time
To let the students to show their work.
Help the students to finish their work.
Act their group work out.
Module6 eating together
Unit 1 When is the school’s leavers’ party?
天津市滨海新区塘沽第六中学 刘诣宁
All:    To be able to understand the conversation through listening and reading.
Most:  To revise the structure of passive voice and talk about parties.
Some:  To be able to make a plan for a party.
I. Party Chant
balloon   balloon            spoon  spoon
party   party                suanla soup
colourful   balloons          heat up the soup
wow                     yamy
fork  knife                  paint  paint                 
cheesburger  cheesburger     paint the wall
nice food                    for  a  party
mum                    nice
.Listen and fill in the blanks
You’re invited to the ________________________.
On Saturday 30th May at ______________________.
Bring a traditional dish ----_____________________.
Come and enjoy the food, music and dancing.
Listen to the tape. Imitate the pronunciation and intonation.

  1. Say out “dish” and “made with”.
  Dish Made with
Read through the dialogue in groups.
Act it out in class.
Ⅴ Group Game (一)
1.Answer the questions.
Q1.What was Daming chosen to do at the school-leavers’party?
Q2.Where are they going to prepare the food?
Q3.Why does Betty ask if Daming’s grandmother is coming to the school-leavers’party?
Q4. Why does Tony call pizza a traditional English dish?
2.Find out the similar sentences as the example from the text.
It’ll be held on the 30th of May.    I was asked to bring some balloons.
. Game () choose different tasks.
You can choose different tasks to do                     
1.Tricky:   Say out at least six things for a party.
2.Tricker:  Make a short dialouge about  school-leavers’ party.
3.Trickest:  Make a plan for a party and act it out.
. Plenary
评价项目 小组评价 自我评价
Last find out the winner group.
. Homework
All:   Review the words and useful information of M6U1 and try to recite the dialogue.
Most: Make a plan for a party and design an invitation
Some: Think of and get more information on different Parties.
寄语 Students show their wishes.

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Eating toget”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“初中英语外研版九年级下册Module 6 Eating together Unit 1 When is the school’s leavers’ party天津市 - 滨海新区”,所属分类为“初中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“初中英语外研版九年级下册Module 6 Eating together Unit 1 When is the school’s leavers’ party天津市 - 滨海新区”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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