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在线播放:牛津译林英语7B unit4 reading a trip to the zoo江苏省- 邳州

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牛津译林英语7B unit4 reading a trip to the zoo江苏省- 邳州

视频标签:a trip,to the zoo


视频课题:牛津译林英语7B unit4 reading a trip to the zoo江苏省- 邳州

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牛津译林英语7B unit4 reading a trip to the zoo江苏省- 邳州

总课题 7B Unit 4  Finding your way 总课时 8 第二课时
课题 Reading 1 课型 New
教学目标 知识目标 To know how to read the map and master different directions.
能力目标 To know the names of animals in the zoo and their features
情感目标 To learn to show directions for others and give the right response to others.
教学重点 To know how to read the map and master different directions.
教学难点 To know the names of animals in the zoo and their features
教学准备 Tape recorder  Computer  Read the words and text.
课前预习 Preview the new words.
Listen to the tape.
学情分析 The topic of this unit is “Finding your way”. Do you know how to ask for or give directions? Can you read the map?
This lesson introduces us a trip to the zoo and helps us know the names of some animals and their features.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Show pictures to have a revision. Ask “Where’s the ...? Is it far from here? How can we get there?”
1. Present pictures to tell students “We’re going to visit Sunshine Zoo today.” Then ask them to listen and answer “What animal can you see in the zoo?”
2. Show more pictures of the animals and teach new words and phrases.
3. Communicate with students and ask “Which animal do you like best? Why?”
1. Give students an example and ask them to practice in pairs:
S1: Which animal do you like best?
S2:I like....
2. Ask students to complete B3.
1. Ask students to skim the text. Then work in groups to answer the related questions.
2. Ask them to work in groups to complete B1.
3. Do True or False in B2 and correct the mistakes.
1. Ask the students to read important phrases together.
2. Show a map of the zoo and ask the students to be guides to show the other students around.
Let the students do some exercises on the worksheet.
1.Retell the trip to Sunshine Zoo.
2.Remember important  expressions and sentences.
3.Write a passage about a trip to a place.
Ask and answer questions to review the directions and discuss in pairs.
1. Work in groups and answer the question.
2. Learn new words and phrases.
3. Discuss and say something about their favourite animals in pairs.
1. Make a dialogue to talk about animals.
2. Fill in the blanks to complete B3.
1. Go through the text quickly.
2. Work in groups and sign the locations of the six kinds of animals in B1.
3. Do B2 and correct mistakes in the false sentences.
1. Read the phrases together.
2. Group work.
Do the exercises.
Review the words and expressions of directions.
Let the students listen, learn new words and important phrases about animals.
Let the students learn more about the animals and their features.
Let the students know the main ideas of the text. And also train the students how to read different passages, e.g., they learn fast reading and detail reading.
See if the students can use the new words and phrases.
Get the students to use the new words and phrases to act their dialogues.
To check out if they master the knowledge.
Unit 4 Reading 1 课后练习
A 根据中文或首字母提示,写出句中所缺单词
1 Don’t l_____________________ at others. It’s not polite.
2 We often go for a walk____________________(沿着) the road.
3 Please go______________________(径直地) home after school.
4 He tells me a f____________________ story at the party.
5 There is a big b___________________ over the river behind my house.
6 It is dangerous to_____________________(穿过) the busy street.
7 There is much traffic on the_______________________(道路).
8 Wild animals should live in f_____________________ and mountains.
9 R_________________________ that lions are dangerous. Never go near them.
10 The__________________________(长颈鹿) are as tall as six metres.
B 选用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空
    leaf       danger      monkey        fun             elephant
1 In spring, all the tree________________________ turn green.
2 _________________________ ears are like big fans.
3 Let’s go to visit the_____________________ Forest.
4 We’d like to watch a_______________________ play.
5 How_________________________ it is to cross the street when the light is red.
(   )1 Taiwan is____________________ the south-east of China.
        A. to              B. on              C. over              D. in
(   )2 Xuzhou is about 350 kilometres___________________ of Nanjing.
        A. south           B. east             C. west              D. north
(   )3 Please don’t stand near the pandas. Pandas can be______________ sometimes.
        A. friendly         B. lovely            C. dangerous         D. quiet
(   )4 There is no boat, so we have to swim___________ the river.
        A. along            B. up               C. down             D. cross
(   )5 -Is there___________ zoo in your town?
        -Yes. There are about 100 kinds of animals in____________ zoo.
        A. a, a              B. the, the           C. a, the             D. the, a
(   )6 A_____________ is over five metres tall and it eats plants only.
        A. lion              B. panda            C. giraffe            D. horse
(   )7 The monkey is making faces. It makes us all_______________.
        A. laugh           B. laughing           C. to laugh          D. to laughing
(   )8 ___________ at the traffic lights, and you will find the zoo.
        A. Turning left     B. Turn left           C. To turn left        D. Turns left
(   )9 A monkey is really agile(灵活的). Its front legs______________ our arms.
        A. like               B. are like           C. are liking         D. likes
(   )10 -______________ can I take so many books to the office? They are so heavy.
          -Why not put them on the back of your bike?
         A. How               B. Why            C. Where          D. What
     Do you know much about Monarch butterflies(黑脉金斑蝶)?
     Every year, millions of Monarch butterflies fly about 4,000 km from Canada 1__ Mexico and then 4,000 km 2 again. They stay in Mexico for over six months, from October to April, ___3 it is cold in Canada during that time. 4____ Mexico, they lay eggs and then die. In ___5 , the new butterflies start to fly back to ___6 . There, they die 7____ they lay eggs. Then the 8____ butterflies fly to Mexico again. Monarch butterflies always go to the same places in Mexico and go to the 9___ trees. How do they know the way? 10__ do they go to the same trees? Only Monarch butterflies know.
(    ) 1 A. by               B. in             C. to             D. over
(    ) 2 A. there             B. back          C. straight        D. across
(    ) 3 A. if                B. because       C. but            D. and
(    ) 4 A. At               B. In            C. To             D. For
(    ) 5 A. April            B. October        C. November      D. winter
(    ) 6 A. the UK          B. the USA        C. Canada        D. China
(    ) 7 A. before           B. later           C. behind         D. after
(    ) 8 A. strong          B. parent          C. new           D. weak
(    ) 9 A. same           B. green           C. tall            D. banana
(    ) 10 A. How long      B. Why            C. How often      D. What

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“a trip,to the zoo”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“牛津译林英语7B unit4 reading a trip to the zoo江苏省- 邳州”,所属分类为“初中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“牛津译林英语7B unit4 reading a trip to the zoo江苏省- 邳州”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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