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在线播放:牛津译林英语7B unit4 reading a trip to the zoo江苏省 - 淮安

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牛津译林英语7B unit4 reading a trip to the zoo江苏省 - 淮安

视频标签:a trip to,the zoo


视频课题:牛津译林英语7B unit4 reading a trip to the zoo江苏省 - 淮安

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:牛津译林英语7B unit4 reading a trip to the zoo江苏省 - 淮安

1. To learn how to express the position correctly according to the map;
2. To learn the names and features of some animals;
3. To learn to show ways fro others and respond to others’ instructions.
 My Ss are from Grade 7. They are energetic and active, eager to learn new knowledge. But they are easy to be distracted because they are too young to keep long attention. So, new and interesting activities should be used to improve the class efficiency and quality. 
The content of my lesson is Unit4 Reading1 from Fun with English,7B. It is around the topic of  some expressions of position and the names and features of some animals. As we know, almost all Ss love animals because thay are cute and adorable. In this reading class, Ss are going to learn many names and features of animals.
1. New words and phrases:
  straight, bamboo, dangerous, funny, laugh, giraffe, leaf---leaves;
  all day long, go straight on, lie down;
2. The names and features of some animals;  
3. The expressions of the position.
活动1【导入】Step1. Warm up
T: Welcome back, boys and girls. How was your three-day holiday? Did you have a good time?
      S: Yes/No.
      T: How did you spend your holiday?
      S1: I visited my friends.
      T: One more friend, one more way. So try to keep in touch with friends. How about you?
      S2: I stayed at home and did my homework.
      T: You work so hard. I hope you can make a big progress later on. And Amy, what did you do?
      S3: I played computer games.
      T: Playing computer games is a good way to have a rest. But please don’t spend too much time on it. It’s bad for our health.
        Boys and girls, thank you for telling me so much about your holiday. I also had a wonderful time. I went on a trip to Huai’an Zoo. Have you ever been there?
      S: Yes/No.
      T: Never mind. I’ll show you around it.
      (Purpose: This step is designed to start a free talk with students and ask about their holiday, and at the same time create a harmonious atmosphere.)
活动2【导入】Step2. Lead in
  T: Look, here is a map of Huai’an Zoo. There are six good places to visit. Now we are at the gate of the zoo. How can we get to the first place?
      S: Just go straight on.
      T: Yes. Let’s go and see which animal lives here.
      S: Pandas.
      T: What do you think of pandas?
      S: Cute/lovely.
      T: Yes, very cute. What else do you know?
      S: They eat bamboo. And they lie down all long.
      T: Yes, they like eating bamboo. They lie down and sleep for the whole day. So they are very lazy. Do you think so? Ok. Let’s move on to the second place. Where is it?
      S: To the east of the pandas.
      T: Yes, you got it. Let’s go and see. What can we see here?
      S: Lions.
      T: Do you know anything about lions?
      S: They are kings of the animal world.
      T: Yes, they are kings in the forest, because they are very strong and powerful. And what’s more?
      S:They are very dangerous.
      T: Yes, I agree. They can kill other animals, even people. So can we go near them?
      S: No.
      T: Of course not. Remember that they are very dangerous. Let’s go on. Where is the third place?
      S: It is to the north-east of lions.
      T: That’s right. Let’s have a look. What can you hear?
      S: Birds.
      T: Yes, we can hear birds sing. Do you like the sounds?
      S: Yes. Very beautiful.
      T: Yes. Birds can make beautiful sounds. Ok, follow me to the next place. Where is it?
      S: To the north-west of the birds.
      T: You are right. Go and see with me.
      S: Monkeys.
      T: We can see many monkeys here. Can you say anything about monkeys?
      S: They are lovely and clever.
      T: Yes. Look, monkeys know how to make food. So they are very clever, just like you. And anything more?
      S: They are funny.
      T: You are so clever. Monkeys are very funny, very interesting, so they can make people laugh. Do you think so? And what do they like to do?
      S: They like jumping around.
      T: En, that’s right. They don’t like to lie down all day long. They like jumping around, from one tree to another. So much for monkeys. Follow me to the next place.
      S: Giraffes.
      T: Can you describe giraffes?
      S: They are very tall. And they have long necks. They eat leaves.
      T: Good point. Giraffes are quite tall. Their long necks can help them eat leaves from trees. And do you know the secret in their long necks?
      S: There are only 7bones in its long neck. 
      T: Thank you very much. You know so much about giraffes. Let’s move on to the last place. How can we get there?
      S: We need to go straight on.
      T: Good. What can we see?
      S: Elephants.
      T: Tell me some features about elephants.
      S: They are strong and have large ears.
      T: And what do their ears look like?
      S: Fans.
      T: Yes, open fans. Look at this. It’s an open fan.
      (Purpose: This step is designed to lead in the topic and get students to know some animals and their features and at the same time get to know how to express position correctly. Some new words will be taught in this step. )
活动3【导入】Step3. Pair work
 T: Well, boys and girls. Among all of these animals, which one is your favourite.
      S1: I like pandas best. Because they are very cute.
      T: I agree. They are cute and they can make us happy. How about you?
      S2: I like lions best. They are the king of the animal world. It’s very cool.
      T: So you want to be a king in the future, right? Now class, please work in pairs and ask your partners’ favourite animal.
      T: Time is up. Which pair would like to have a try?
      T: Thank you. You did a very good job. Boys and girls, what do they like best?
      S: Amy likes…. because….
And Tom likes…. because…
      T: Next pair?
      T: Not bad. I like your pronunciation.
      (Purpose: This step is designed to let students talk about their favourite animals based on the lead-in part.)
活动4【导入】Step4. Watch and answer
 T: From your talk, I know you like animals very much. If you have time, you can visit Huai’an Zoo by yourselves next time. Well, students in Sunshine Middle School are also visiting a zoo—Sunshine Zoo. Here is the video. Let’s watch the video and find out how many animals they see.
        (Students watch the video of the passage.)
      T: Have you got the answer?
      S: Yes. They can see 6 animals.
      T: What are they?
      S: They are pandas, lions, monkeys, birds, giraffes and elephants.
      T: Ok, you got all the answers right.
      (Purpose: This step is designed to watch the video of the reading part and find out how many animal they see and what they are.)
活动5【导入】Step5. Read and find out the position
 T: Well, boys and girls, I want to know the position of the six animals. Can you help me?
      S: Yes.
      T: Here is a map of Sunshine zoo. Please read the passage and find out the correct position of them.
      (Students read the passage and finish PartB1.)
      T: Are you ready?
      S: Yes.
      S1: Pandas are north of the south gate.
      S2: The lions are north of the pandas.
      S3: The birds are west of the loins.
      S4: The birds are south of monkeys.
      S5: The giraffes are east of the monkeys.
      S6: The elephants are north-east of the giraffes.
      (Purpose: This step is designed to find out the correct position of each animal by reading the passage. )
活动6【导入】Step6. Read and find out the features
T: Thanks for your help. Now I know the position of the animals, but I also want to know the features of them? Can you help me again?
      S: Yes.
      T: You are very helpful. Please read the passage again and find out the features.
      (Students read the passage again and finish PartB2.)
      T: Time is up. Did you get all the answers?
      S: Yes.
      S1: Pandas are cute and eat bamboo.
      S2: Lions are the king of the animal world.
      S3: Birds make beautiful sounds.
      S4: Monkeys jump around and make people laugh.
      S5: Giraffes are quite tall. They have long necks.
      S6: Elephants’ large ears are like open fans.
      T: Ok, with your help, I know so much about them. Thank you very much.
      (Purpose: This step is designed to find out the features of each animal by reading the passage again.)
活动7【导入】Step7. Group work
T: Now boys and girls, you have known so much about Sunshine Zoo. Would you like to show visitors around it?
      S: Yes.
      T: Now please work in groups of seven. One plays as a tour guide. The others play as six animals.
        The tour guide need to show visitors the way in the zoo. And the others need to introduce yourselves. Got it?
      S: Yes.
      T: Let’s do it.
      (Students do the group work.)
      T: Are you ready, boys and girls? I’m really looking forward to your show! Which group wants to have a try?
      Guide: Hi, everybody. Today, I’ll show around Sunshine Zoo. We are now at the South
Gate. To the north of the gate is the Panda House.
Panda: Hi, I’m a panda. Many visitors come to see me every day. You know why? Because I am very cute. I like to eat bamboo very much. And I’m very lazy. After meals, l like to lie down all day long. Do you like me?

      T: Thank you everybody. All of you did a very good job. I enjoy your performance. Amy, you really look like a panda, very cute and adorable.
      (Purpose: This step is designed to do group work to enhance what they have learnt in this class.)
活动8【导入】Step8. Emotion education
 T: Animals are our friends, right?
      S: Yes.
      T: But do you know that many animals are in danger, especially the rare animals. Here, the video will tell you why.
      (Students watch the video.)
      T: Do you have anything to say, Daniel?
      S: Many people kill animals.
      T: Why do they kill them?
      S: To make money.
      T: So what should we do then?
      S: Stop buying animal products.
      T: Yes, you got the point. When the buying stops, the killing can too. So much for today. Class is over.
      (Purpose: This step is designed to call on students to protect animals and stop buying animal products.)
  Unit4 Find your way
1. Pair work
A: Which animal do you like?
B: I like …
A: Why do you like it?
B: Because …What about you?
2. The pandas are ______of the South Gate.
The lions are _______ of the pandas.
The birds are _______ of the lions.
The birds are _______ of the monkeys.
The giraffes are _____ of the monkeys.
The elephants are _____ of the giraffes.

Animal Feature
Panda ______ (cute, clever), eat _______ (bamboo, grass)
Lion ______ (king, friend) of the animal world
Bird make beautiful ______ (pictures, sounds)
Monkey ________ (jump around, run fast) and make people _______ (laugh, cry)
Giraffe quite _____ (short, tall), long _____ (neck, face)
Elephant ______ (large, small) ears like open ______ (umbrellas, fans)
4.Group work
● Work in groups of seven;
● One plays as the tour guide, and show visitors the way in the zoo;
● The others play as six animals, and introduce yourselves.                                                                                                    

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