
视频标签:What’s the m
视频课题:八年级下册Unit1 What’s the matter Section A 1a—2d锦州
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:八年级下册Unit 1. What’s the matter Section A 1a—2d锦州市
本单元的中心话题是健康问题,主要让学生认知表示身体部位的单词以及部分疾病的表达方法,学会谈论自己及他人的健康状况,能针对健康问题提出合理化建议。Section A (1a-2c)的部分,完整的体现了如何谈论身体健康状况及给出合理建议的重点句型,是本单元开篇的重中之重。
The teaching focus:
1、Master the names of diseases.
2、Master the expressions of giving advice
3、Talk about health problems by using “What’s the matter? I have a……” and give advice by using “You should ……You shouldn’t……”
The teaching difficulties:
1、Students may find it difficult to remember all the target new words in the class
2、Students may find it difficult to give appropriate advice to the certain disease because of their limited life experience.
活动1【导入】Step1 Warming-up
Play a song for all the students and students sing the song. While singing, touch the part that is mentioned in the song.
活动2【讲授】Step 2 Presentation of words about body parts
1. Teacher check students' preparation
2. Teacher shows a baby's picture and students speak out the names together. Teacher teaches the new words: neck, foot (feet), stomach.
3. Students look at 1a and write the correct letter for each part of the body. Then teacher checks the answers quickly.
活动3【讲授】Step 3 Presentation of words about diseases
1. Teacher shows the picture in 1a and says:
T: You see people in 1a, are they happy? S: No, they aren't.
T: Because they feel not very well. They 've got some illness. Let's see what's the matter with them.
Teacher shows some pictures and ask students what's the matter with these people, then teach them to say the names of these illness.
-- What's the matter with you?
--I have a cold / a toothache ...
2. Teacher changes the objectives of the sentence.
--What's the matter with him / her?
--He / She has a ...
3. Students make a short conversation with these new phrases.
4. New phrases conclusion:
Teacher shows the Chinese meaning of the illness, students compete to speak out the English words.
5. Game time:
Choose one student from a team, teacher shows some illness to him or her, he or she act it out, others guess what the illness is. Each group has 20 seconds.
6. Pair work
Teacher shows some pictures and students make a conversation according to the pictures. Show thme out in pairs.
活动4【活动】Step 4 Listening and speaking
1. Look at the picture and listen to 1b. Then number the names 1-5
2. Speaking (Pair work)
1c Look at the pictures. What are the students' problems? Make conversations.
--What's the matter with Judy?
-- She has a very sore throat.
(设计意图: 学会用不同的人称来询问某人的身体状况)
活动5【导入】Step 5 Leading-in
Teacher shows a picture and ask students to guess what's the matter with me? Teacher asks students to give some advice about what I should do.
活动6【讲授】Step 6 Discuss in group
1. Students in one group discuss if somebody in your group has a cold, what should he or she do? Write their advice down. Then show them out.
You should say like this: Judy says you should lie down and rest.
2. Teacher shows the advice and leads students to read. Students read them one by one to practice.
活动7【活动】Step 7 Listening and speaking
1. Listening
Listen to 2a and 2b, write down their advice
2. Speaking
2c Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b
活动8【活动】Step 8 Role-play the conversation (Group work)
Choose one student to be the school doctor. Other students in the group have health problems. Ask and write down their problems and then give some advice. Role- play a coonversation between the doctor and the students.
活动9【讲授】Step 9 Summary
1. Review the phrases
2. Talk about heath problems:
What's the matter with...? Sb. have / has ...
3. Give advice:
You should do ...
You shouldn't do...
活动10【练习】Step 10 Exercises
Do some exercises on your paper
活动11【测试】Step 11 Homework
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
-----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“What’s the m”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“八年级下册Unit1 What’s the matter Section A 1a—2d锦州”,所属分类为“初中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“八年级下册Unit1 What’s the matter Section A 1a—2d锦州”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 ----- |