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在线播放:《Could you please clean your room》宁夏吴晓虹_2016年第十届


《Could you please clean your room》宁夏吴晓虹_2016年第十届



视频课题:《Could you please clean your room》宁夏吴晓虹_2016年第十届

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:人教八年级《Unit 3 Could you please clean your room Section A (Period 1)》21宁夏银川白塔中学吴晓虹_2016年第十届全国初中英语教师基本功大赛说课大赛视频(附课件)

Unit3 Could you please clean your room?
Section A (1a-1c)
Good morning! Judges and teachers! I’m Wu Xiaohong. I’m from Bei Ta Middle School in Yin Chuan. I’m very happy to share my teaching ideas here. Today I’m going to talk about Unit 3 Section A 1a-1c in Grade 8 from the book GO FOR IT.
Now here are my teaching plans: 5 parts
Part 1  Teaching material analysis
 The first period is a listening and speaking lesson.
1.       The topic is about daily household chores .
2.       It emphasizes the function structure of making polite requests .
3  It is helpful for teenagers to develop the sense of doing chores.
Part 2  Students analysis
1.       The students are in Grade 8.
2.       For this lesson, they’ve learned the phrases like: do the dishes, make the bed, clean the room and wash the clothes and the usage of the modal verb “can”. So I present new phrases through old ones. It is easy for students.  
3.       Our students are only children. They are busy with their homework. So there are so many poor parents like me. We do all the chores at home, especially mom. My aim is to develop the sense of doing chores  
Part 3 Teaching aims
Knowledge objectives(知识目标):
1.       I will teach Ss to learn how to use new words
  rubbish; fold; sweep; floor; mess
2.       And how to use the expressions correctly:
do the dishes; take out the rubbish; fold your clothes; sweep the floor; make your bed; clean the living room;
3.  At the same time, learn how to make polite requests and responses.
Could you please sweep the floor?
Yes, sure.\ No problem\ Certainly\ All right.
Sorry, I can’t. I have to….\ I am going to….
Ability Objectives(能力目标):
1. Ss will be able to observe pictures and predict what the listening is about.
2. Ss will be able to catch the key words in the listening.
3. Be able to talk about how to make polite requests and responses by pair work and group work.
Moral Objects(情感目标):
Be aware of caring about family members by helping them do the chores ,especially the busiest mom.
Part 4 Teaching key points:
1. words and expressions about chores
2. The structure of how to make polite requests.
Teaching difficult points(教学难点):
The usage of the modal verb could in euphemism.
Part 6 Teaching methods(教学方法)
 In this lesson I’ll create the real situations to teach new phrases about chores and the structure. I’ll also use tasks to finish listening and group work. And create the chances to help each other to learn the target language.
Learning methods(学习方法)
1.       Ss will be able to predict the general ideas by looking at the picture and learn how to catch the key words to finish the listening quickly and correctly.
2.       Ss will be able to communicate in pair work and group work.
Part 8 Teaching procedures(教学过程)
Step 1 Warm up
First I’ll play a song for students and ask them to tell me who the song is for?  All the students can answer It’s for mom. So it leads to the leading role of this lesson- mom.
Step 2 Presentation
(1)I’ll tell Ss I am a busy mom. because I have many chores to do. let them Guess what I usually do at home by the picture. There will be different answers. But Someone will guess “make the bed” and then present the other chores one by one. Doing like this can help Ss learn target language easily in the real situation.
We know in life there are different kinds of chores. Brainstorming is a good way. It’s also helpful for free talk next.  Of course Ss
(2)Ss can do so many chores. So I ask them to help me to take out the rubbish to present target structure. And most of them say “Yes, I can or sure. Then I guide them to tell me different ones. Such as Of course.  someone say “ No, I can’t”. At this time, I guide them to answer more politely and give the proper reason like Sorry ,I can’t. I have to…/ I’m going to…
Step 3 Listening
1.       Pre-listening
I’ll let them look at the picture carefully. Ss see the room in a mess. Rubbish dirty dishes and clothes are everywhere. Let’s predict if Peter will take out the rubbish. And who will do these chores, mom or Peter.
To check the prediction. I play the tape for the first time ,during listening, let them listen by catching key words. pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation of general question.  And check like this. Mom will…
 I’ll play it again, let them to challenge the memory. The conversation is for the following role-playing .
Role playing in pairs. One is Peter. The other is mom
Step 4 Group work
Mother’s Day is coming, I think family members can do some chores or other things for  mom . So I let them make a list of chores family members need to do on that day in groups of three. Then discuss who will do them by using target language. Of course ,I will give an example to Ss with volunteers. After finishing it, Ask several groups to say their completed conversations for the class and put up the heart cards in their hands on Bb.
Their answers are different they’d like to help do chores, kiss, hug mom,buy flowers or cook dinner. Then I guide all of them what you will say to mom. They want to say “I love you,mom.”
Step 5Homework
Step 6 Blackboard design.
Part 7教学反思:
1.     拓展性思维不足。
2.     训练学生听力的方法不足。

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