
视频课题:《What does he look like Section A 》重庆_2016年第十届全国初
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:人教七年级《Unit 9 What does he look like Section A 》03重庆实验外国语学校杜云珠_2016年第十届全国初中英语教师基本功大赛说课大赛视频
Unit 9 What does he look like? Section A
重庆实验外国语学校 杜云珠
My presentation is divided into four parts.(把这四个部分读出来)
First, Analysis of the teaching material and the students:
1. The students: Most of them are 12 or 13-year-old teenagers
After learning English for almost a year, their English is OK.
They are active but not as much as talkative like in the first term, simply because they are growing up.
They like English but afraid of making mistakes, they are afraid of being laughed at because they have image-concerned problems.
Second, the teaching material--(brief introduction) the textbook is “ Go For It” for Grade 7, the second term. The topic is unit 9 section A “What does he look like”?
The topic is close to daily life and frequently used.
It is a review of the sentence structure of the simple present tense, because of unit 6-8, most students probably forget the simple present. So this unit is going to help the students remember.
We may have some advanced language to describe people’s looks later on, but this unit is the basic. So students should be very good at it.
(Teaching aims) : I have three teaching objects to achieve.
①Knowledge objects: New words; straight, tall, thin, heavy, look like
New sentence structures: be of…, alternative sentences
Ability objects: Students are able to use the target language to describe people’s looks.
They are able to cooperate with others in pairs and groups.
Moral objects: Students enjoy helping others, and they realize that people can’t be judged by looks.
②Key points and predictable problems:
(key points):First, new words and expressions ---in this lesson we have “be of medium height and of medium build, and we have the new words heavy, straight, curly” Second, the important sentence structure--alternative questions
(predictable problems-the difficult points):The students may misuse “be and have”, and may forget to use “of”
Teaching and learning approaches :
(Teaching approaches)
Task-based approach
Communicative approach
Audio lingual approach
Community language teaching (I will show you how I apply these approaches in the teaching procedures )
(Learning approaches)
Task-based learning
Communicative language learning
Community language learning (as you can see, the learning approaches are closely related to the teaching approaches. The ways of learning are guided by the teachers in class)
Teaching aids: Multi-media computer, power point, blackboard , paper and so on.
Teaching procedures:
Step One: Lead-in: I use a story with pictures to begin the lesson. (把故事讲出来) The pictures are so beautiful that they can easily attract the students’ attention, and they are drawn by my students. ( My purpose is to arouse interests at the beginning. )
Step two: Presentation and Practice: First I use the picture to guide the students to say the old words like, tall, short, and thin. Then I present new words and expressions and the students imitate. Next I use pictures of my own students. The others like seeing their classmates on the PPt. The pictures will get their attention. And I use the alternative sentences to ask questions and then ask the students to make pair work. For this, I use the communicative approach. (As for simple language points, students can use the target language as soon as they learn it)
Step three: Tasks: There are three tasks, including two games and a listening practice. –(Here I use the task-based approach and the audio lingual approach) ( Task-based learning and games can get the whole class active in thinking. ) Before the tasks I divide the students into five groups, so they can have a competition, that will make them more active.
Task One This is a guessing game. First I give the students an example “there is a student in my mind , Use the sentence patterns to ask me three questions” So the students ask “Is he tall or short? Is he heavy or thin? Does he have straight hair or curly hair?” Then they can make a guess “Is he Bill? Is he Mike?’I say “Bingo” Then the students will play the game.
Task two is based on the listening material in this section. Students listen to the material twice as it is required. The first time is to find out the answers to the alternative sentences The second time is to use a table to get the complete information about a person’s looks. (Design purpose : Listening practice is to check whether the students can understand the target language or not. Task three is closely connected with task two. Because of “is and has” For this part I design an interesting game. I say “If the sentence is filled with “ is” , girls stand up. If the sentence is filled with “has”, boys stand up. “ If students make mistakes, their group will lose a point. (Interesting and easy games can make students feel relaxed and fulfilled.)
Step four: Summary: A mind map guide the student to review the target language. Mind maps can clearly show what the students have learned in the lesson. I don’t put the summary in the end, I put it before the major output, because a summary can help the students recall what they have learned in this lesson. I just want to help the students get ready for the final part.
Step five: Production: The language output and emotion output. I ask everyone to take part in this production. And they work in groups. (This is the community language teaching)介绍如何操作language output) ( Students work together and the teacher acts as a counselor. Being a counselor is much more important than being a speech maker during teaching.) I will show you a video clip. As for the emotion output, I say “look at the girl in the picture and ask “will you help her ?” (The story is actually a role model, so the lesson is also a role model. It will guide the students into morality naturally)
Step six :Assignment (homework): Ask the students to do some exercises in the text book after class.
(I think it’s not necessary for teachers to deal with every part in the text book in a lesson. We can choose the important and efficient parts to let the students do. Like this , we can save the time and get the same good results )
Evaluation and motivation
During the class I use two aspects to evaluate the students’ activities.
First, I use simple language like (good, excellent, wonderful, well done, awesome) We can use different phrases, but not only say good good good.
Using facial expressions and gestures with language will make the motivation more efficient.
Second, I divide the students to solve tasks. In groups, better students will help the fall-behind students. They want to get points for their groups , so they will be motivated by others. This may sound very stereotype, but as for junior students ,this is actually a very good way.
Blackboard Design
(解释一下黑板: I use a simple picture to show them the meanings of height and build. I use a straight line and a curly line to show them the meaning of straight and curly. And I use two pieces of orange paper to highlight the two phrases. This is the table I used to motivate the group work.
Weak points: Nothing is perfect. My lesson has some flaws. One is that sometimes I forget the next step which makes the lesson not as smooth as I expected. Then. it doesn’t have enough writing practice. So I need to check the writing skills through homework. And last, it is kind of unsatisfactory discrimination. That is too say, for the better students it seems a little easy to them.
Strong points. Students show their interests from the beginning to the end. The output is great.
I have taught this lesson in another school. But the lesson also worked very well. The teachers say that I make a quiet class talk, which is a great success.
And I have achieved the key competence in a way. (英语学科的核心素养的四个维度)
语言能力Language competence: I improved my students’ listening and speaking skills
学习能力Learning competence: Students can use different ways of learning.
思维品质Thinking quality: Story-background lessons and task-based learning make students think logically. The students form a habit of problem-solving.
文化品格Cultural character and morals: the story background lesson with one clue guide the students’ moral way naturally.
Unit 9 What does he look like? Section A
重庆实验外国语学校 杜云珠
My presentation is divided into four parts.
I . Analysis of the teaching material and the students:
1. The students: 12 or 13-year-old teenagers
l Their language is OK.
l Active but less talkative
l Like English but afraid of making mistakes because of their image-concern
2. The teaching material--(brief introduction) the textbook is “ Go For It” for Grade 7, the second term. The topic is unit 9 section A “What does he look like?”
l Close to daily life and frequently used
l Review of the sentence structure of the simple present tense
l Get ready for the advanced language about people’s looks
(Teaching aims) :
②Key points and predictable problems:
(key points): a. New words and expressions ---be of medium height and of medium build, curly and straight b. Sentence structure--alternative questions
(predictable problems):misuse “be and have”, and forget “of”
II. Teaching and learning approaches:
(Teaching approaches)
l Task-based approach
l Communicative approach
l Audio lingual approach
l Community language teaching
(Learning approaches)
l Task-based learning
l Imitating
l Communicative language learning
l Self-presentation
l Community language learning
Teaching aids: Multi-media computer, power point, blackboard , paper and so on.
III. Teaching procedures:
Evaluation & Motivation
Blackboard Design
IV. Reflection
Weak points: Not as smooth as I expected.
Lack of writing practice.
Unsatisfactory discrimination.
Strong points: Interesting; student’s output is great.
语言能力(Language competence): The lesson improved the students’ communicative competence, and productive competence.
学习能力(Learning competence):The lesson enhanced their self-learning, and cooperative learning skills.
思维品质(Thinking quality):The lesson practiced the students think logically. It helped them to form a habit of problem-solving.
文化品格(Cultural character and morals):The story background lesson with one clue guided the students’ moral way naturally.
本人2004年7月毕业于四川外国语大学(当时的四川外语学院)并于同年9月进入四川外语学院附属外国语学校参加工作。2004年到2007年担任英语科任教师,开始的三年完全是一个学习和摸索的过程。教学、教法的探索,德育的探索让我很快的成长起来,感觉自己就像一块吸不饱的海绵,在老老师的课堂上,在班主任的办公室不停地吸取着各种营养。虽然当时只是一名科任老师但是留在学校的时间超过了许多班主任,我耐心的对待班里的每一个学生,用自己的休息时间给差生辅导作业,不厌其烦地纠正学生的发音,把不按时背诵课文的学生周末留下来先辅导再逐一过关。当时的感觉就是觉得身上有使不完的劲儿,在此期间没得什么奖项,不写什么学术论文,但是感受到了孩子们对我浓浓的爱。2007年我开始担任2010级7班班主任,在第一年的班主任工作中,我几乎是拼尽了自己所有的力气来带好这个班,没有经验,向其他的班主任学习,学生习惯差,一遍遍的纠正,在第一年工作结束时就获得校级“先进个人“的称号。后来又多次被评为“优秀少先队辅导员”、“优秀班主任”。在2010年的中考中我的班获得了平行班第一名的好成绩。2011年本人产假回来加入初2014级担任英语科任老师的工作,在2012年初担任学校初二年级“哈剑班”的教学工作,并荣获全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题--《中国基础英语素质教育的途径与方法》2012年度优秀实验教师的称号。在此期间所撰写的多篇论文荣获市级的一、二、三等奖。其中所撰写的“创互动课堂氛围,探小组活动模式“还发表在21世纪报的教育周刊上。2014年本人再次担任初2017级30班班主任,在班级建立的初期就下定决心把30班打造成一个年级的特色班级。首先,30班作为年级的两个双语班之一,本身就具有特殊性,班级有一部分学生除了学习德语之外还要在课余时间学习英语作为第二外语,作为班主任的我在全班倡导高效学习,因为双语学生的时间不多,自习时间全部被用来上英语课。那么在有限的时间内高效的学习是我在全班推行的一项重要举措。其二,30班在我的带领下都是全力以赴的参加年级和学校举行的各项活动。先后取得了各项骄人的成绩:班集文化建设得了一等奖的第一名、数学趣味运动会第一名、运动会入场式第一名、运动会自编操第一名等等。初一学年第二学期的3月27日在“标杆教育”拓展公司的组织策划下搞了一个亲子拓展活动,学生在活动中体验到团结、奋进、拼搏的精神力量并且和自己的爸爸妈妈加深了亲子感情,获得了丰厚的精神食粮。这也让我的班主任工作在学生和家长中间更好的展开。在班主任工作期间我所撰写的论文《打好开学初始阶段攻坚战-----探讨班主任开学阶段工作重心》荣获了“第十一届全市基础教育课程改革征文大赛“一等奖。2015年的5月,我荣获了重庆市九龙坡区”优秀少先队辅导员“称号。另外在班主任德育工作的同时我还代表学校英语教研室参加了江苏省教育科学研究院举办的“中国名校年度新发现.2015走进重庆巴川中学校—-全国十大初中名校学校发展名校长论坛、名师献课重庆市初中名校 ‘卓越课堂’大型精彩展示活动”,为来自全国的代表作了《what does he look like?》精品课展示,受到一致好评。另外,我还代表我们学校参加了市教委组织的英语优质课大赛,并取得了一等奖的好成绩。2015年的9月开学,我被学校聘为初中英语教研室主任,肩上的担子又重了一些。虽然教研室的工作千头万绪, 虽然英语教研室是全校最大、人数最多的一个组,虽然我还干着班主任工作,我都一点点的走过来了。经常都是上午听了九龙坡区的公开课后又匆忙赶回来给自己的学生上课,并在班主任时间给我班的德语上英语课,又或者是下午带领我校的部分老师去参加九龙坡的教研会后又匆忙赶回上听音课,并在班主任时间后上晚自习,然后在22点之后到寝室查寝。这就是我的生活常态,但是我不抱怨,相反我是感恩的,因为正式由于有学校的信任才让我这个并不宽厚的肩膀挑这么多的担子,我会把它们都做好,一方面是证明自己的价值,另外一方面我希望把我的微薄之力化成一块砖铺在学校走向辉煌的大道上。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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