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在线播放:《Do you want to watch a game show》鲁迅中学王月_2016年第十


《Do you want to watch a game show》鲁迅中学王月_2016年第十



视频课题:《Do you want to watch a game show》鲁迅中学王月_2016年第十

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:人教八年级《Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show (Section A 1a-2c)》01海南三亚市鲁迅中学王月_2016年第十届全国初中英语教师基本功大赛说课大赛视频(附课件)

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, it’s my great honor to be here to present my lesson, and the chance is very precious for me, and I’ll try my best. Today, I’ll talk about unit 5, Do you want to watch a game show? My contents consists of 7 parts, the lesson is focused on the topic of the TV programs. I will talk about it from...
1. Analysis of the Teaching Material
 In this Unit, we'll continue learning other kinds of TV programs besides talent shows.  This topic is familiar to the students, and I try to make the students know how to express their preferences and opinions by studying the conversation.  
2. Learning Objects
(1) Knowledge goals
Students can master the words and phrases: sitcom, news, soap opera, think of, expect, educational, meaningless
What do you think of ...? I don’t mind ..., I can't stand...
Why do you like ...? What can you expect to learn from...?
(2) Ability goals
? Be able to get the main idea of the listening material and act out the dialogue.
? Learn to express likes and dislikes in the situation.
?And improve the students' integrated ability of using the  language.
(3) Emotion goals
To increase the students' consciousness of cooperation with a series of activities. At the same time, let them realize watching TV for long is bad for our eyes, we can try some other ways to relax.
3. Important and difficult points
Important points:
The ability of expressing their likes or dislike to things in our everyday life.
Difficult points:
1. The pronunciation of “educational and meaningless”
2. The usage of sentence “what can you expect to learn from ...?”
4. The analysis of learning condition
As the students in Grade 8, they have the ability to get the general idea of some simple conversation by listening and reading. Since we may express our likes and dislikes in our everyday life and the students are familiar with the topic, they are able to make some new and interesting conversation in some different situations , such as in the school, at home, in the cinema, and hey can act them out vividly.
5. Teaching Methods
Task-based Language Teaching , Audiolingual Method, Situational Teaching Method, Cooperative Learning Method, Communicative Language Teaching,
6. Teaching procedures
Step 1: Warm up
At first, we sang a song together. Zootopia. It’s a song of a recent movie. Students like it. Try to make them feel excited and attract their attention to the class as well. The interest of the class is awakened in the first few minutes of a lesson -- or it is lost.Now, let’s watch the video.
Step 2: pre-listening
After singing this song, asked the students “what do you think of this song?” Then showed them some facial expressions to express our likes or dislikes. Next, asked them “ what kind of TV shows do you like?” Doing like this can recall the students’ knowledge of the TV shows. And I named the three groups with the TV programs they like. So the students can have a competition. Then present some new TV shows and ask them what kind of TV shows they like and why. In order to stimulate interest, I prepare a TV-like picture and I hold the remoter to let the students feel that we really have a TV in the classroom. We must let them see the real objects, they will then remember what we teach. Now, let’s watch my class.
Step 4: Listening
(1) Listening for comprehension,
 I changed the the listening task 2a to a True or False exercise. Because the type of this part is the same as 1b. And I changed 2b into Ask and Answer. The question is What can they expect to learn from the sitcoms and game shows? . So the students can practice the sentences in the following activity.
(2) Listening for imitating
Next, ask students to read after the listening material, to improve their pronunciation, intonation and rhythm. And then, ask the boys and girls to role-play the conversation to enhance their understanding of the structure.
Step 5: Post listening
After listening part, we made a pair work and group work to test the students’ ability of using the language. In the pair work, most of the students have chance to show their own conversations. And then, make the conversation in different situations. This is students’ favorite part. They like to imagine that they are in the real situations.  Language learning must respond to the child’s urge to create and his desire for activity. We should feel that each lesson is their lesson, not the teacher’s. The teacher is only a guide, it is the students who come out from the class, and do things , act and speak. Now, let’s watch my students’ performance.
Step 6: Summary and homework
Next, asked them what we have learned today, and do a summary of the words and sentences. At last, homework, there are two kinds of homework, listening and writing homework. After extension activity, ask students to write down the conversation they made in class.
6. Blackboard design
     Unit 5  Do you want to watch a game show?
TV programs        opinions         Sentences
soap opera         meaningless      What do you think of ...?
talent show         relaxing         Why do you like ...?
game show        enjoyable      What can you expect to learn
talk show           exciting      from...?
sports show         wonderful
sitcom             educational
News              boring
Thanks for your attention.

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