
视频课题:《How to lead a balanced life》辽宁王娜_2016年第十届全国初中
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:九年级《Module 3 Unit 6 How to lead a balanced life》12辽宁省实验中学王娜上教_2016年第十届全国初中英语教师基本功大赛说课大赛视频(附课件)
一、Analysis of the teaching material
1.Status& Function
2.Teaching Objectives
3.Key Points and Difficult Points
Ss can properly apply the use of the important words and phrases: focus, pressure, guard, cancel, force, private, silent, enemy, regular, cheer. And phrases: guard against, cancel out, look on the bright side, be busy with, leave...behind ,cheer..up.
Finish a writing “How to deal with stress ”
2.Including a story or an experience
: Dear my children, we have experienced a lot of trouble in thinking and problems with study in this year together, this is an unforgettable part in your growth. today let's use a special way to record our life in Grade 9 . First, let's look at our present life.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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