
视频标签:At a farm
视频课题:Unit 4 At a farm人教(PEP)合肥
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:Unit 4At a farm人教(PEP)合肥市习友小学
教学目标 评论
(1)能够听、说、认读单词tomato,potato,carrot,green beans。
(2)能理解句子Look at the green beans. They’re so long. Yes, and the potatoes are big.
2学情分析 评论
3重点难点 评论
4.1 第一学时
活动1【导入】At the farm 评论
T: Today we are going to an interesting place.
a) It has many trees and grass.
b) It has many animals.
c) It has many vegetables.
d) There are potatoes, tomatoes, carrots and green beans.
Can you guess? Where are we going?
Ss: Farm.
T: Yes, we are going to the farm.
活动2【讲授】At the farm 评论
Let’s learn
1. Teach “carrot(s)-yummy”
1) T: Let’s play a guessing game: it’s a kind of vegetables. It’s orange. The rabbits like it very much. What’s it?
Ss can answer it both in Chinese and English. Then T will show the word card and the picture and drill it. T will lead activity and pick some S group to read.
T: Then let’s count the carrots in the picture. (e.g., One carrot, two carrots… many carrots.)
教师出示word card “carrots” 并张贴,教师带读,抽查2小组读。
2) I like carrots. They are yummy.(出示单词卡,背面注上中文,抽读个别学生,教师带读新单词。)
I like carrots. I like carrots. Yummy, yummy, yummy.(师生示范chant,学生之间pair work。)
2. Teach “Green beans-tender-long”
1) T: Show a picture of “green beans” and ask “what are these? Are they carrots?
Ss: No, they aren’t. They are green beans.(教师启发)
Ss show the word card and drill it.
2) T: Look at the green beans. They’re tender. (比较几根发蔫的四季豆和新鲜的四季豆。)
Then, show the word “tender” and ask Ss to read it.
I like green beans, I like green beans, tender, tender, tender. (Use the different intonations.)
3) Look at the green beans. They’re long. (Show two green beans and compare them.)
Show the word card “long” and let Ss read it.
3. Teach “tomato(es)-juicy”
1) Show a bag.
T: Look! I have a bag. There is something in it. Who wants to come to the front and taste? Be brave!
2) Close your eyes. Open your mouth. What’s it?
当学生得出答案时,教师出示实物及单词,逐步引出one tomato,two tomatoes,从而引出tomato的复数形式。
3) Play the finger exercises. 请学生看老师的手指数量来判断应该使用tomato还是tomatoes。
4) Show tomatoes.
T: Look at the tomatoes. What color are they?
Ss: They are red.
T: Yes. They’re red and juicy.
Then ask the boys and girls to repeat it.
I like tomatoes, I like tomatoes, juicy, juicy, juicy.
4. Teach “potato(es)-tasty”
1) Show a bag.
T: Look at the bag. Can you touch and guess “Which one is the potato?”
Ss touch it and try to find out the potato.
2) Play a short game “High and low”.
3) Show the true potatoes.
T: Look at the tomatoes. They’re red. Look at the potatoes. They’re brown.
Tomatoes, tomatoes, “t” is for tomatoes.
Potatoes, potatoes, “p” is for potatoes.
4) T: When the potatoes become fries, they’re tasty.
I like potatoes, I like potatoes, tasty, tasty, tasty.
5) T shows two potatoes and compare them.
T: Look! This potato is big.
T shows the word card “big” and let Ss read it.
活动3【活动】At the farm 评论
1. Games
Teacher says the words and asks two students to point out the picture. Let’s see who is quicker.(看图说单词)
Guessing game: one student holds the picture, the other student guess. Use the structure:
S1: what are these?
S2: are they...?
S1: Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
Write the four words on the paper:
1) For the first time: listen and tick. When you finished, put up your hands and say “bingo” let’s check and see who can get the first bingo.
2) For the second time: listen and circle. When you finished, put up your hands and say “bingo”. Let’s check and see who can get the second bingo.
3) For the third time: listen and cross. When you finished, put up your hands and say “bingo”. Let’s check and see who can get the third bingo.
2. Let’s learn
Now, Sarah and Mike are at the farm, too. Let’s listen to the tape.
教师播放Let’s learn的内容。
1) 第一遍,学生听录音回答问题:
Are the green beans long?
Are the potatoes big?
2) 第二遍,订正答案并跟读。
3) Pair work: one student is Sarah, the other is Mike.
4)Show time.
活动4【练习】At the farm 评论
这节课我们学习了tomato,potato,carrot,green beans四种蔬菜的名称,它们是农民伯伯通过辛勤的劳作才得以收成的。我们知道蔬菜含有丰富的维生素C,应该多吃蔬菜,因为它们有益于我们的健康。
Let’s chant:
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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