视频标签:Making,the news
视频课题:人教版高中英语必修五Book5 Unit4 Making the news Using LanguageⅡWriting 海南
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:人教版高中英语必修五Book5 Unit4 Making the news Using LanguageⅡWriting 海南
Book 5 Unit 4 Using LanguageⅡ:Writing教学设计
一、教学内容及思路 (一)教材内容
Using Language: Getting the Scoop部分的教学任务包括Reading, speaking and writing。显然一个课时上不完。因此把该部分分为两课时来上,第一课时是阅读理解和知识点的学习,第二课时训练的核心技能是写作,口语训练为写作做准备。本教学设计是第二课时的教学设计,对speaking和writing的教材内容有部分改编。
经过Speaking的充分铺垫,新闻写作的素材、事件的各要素已然准备好。学生在口头上形成一篇新闻报导初稿。此时可以顺理成章进入Writing部分。 (二)教学思路
1. 复习主课文,从检查上节课所学的记者这种职业从采访到写报道所要做的工
作以及撰写新闻故事的一些技巧知识入手,引出新课——学写一篇新闻故事; 2. Speaking给学生提供三则采访到的独家新闻的笔记,让学生选其中一则,根据笔记内容头脑风暴该明星发生了什么事,激发学生的想象,把需要的细节要点补充完整;
3. Writing部分介绍了新闻报导的篇章结构后老师还通过范文讲解其篇章结构。
然后让学生模仿范文把Speaking部分的新闻素材写成新闻故事。最后展示部分学生作品。 二、教学对象分析
好,因此可以进行口语和写作的现场操练。但是他们的水平没有好到可以现场马上想出新闻内容,因此Speaking环节给学生提供三则采访到的独家新闻的笔记,其实就是根据关键词想新闻内容。高二学生没有学写过新闻报导。要让学生用英语写作一篇新闻稿并非易事。因此,Writing部分介绍了新闻报导的篇章结构后老师还通过范文讲解其篇章结构,让学生模仿范文把Speaking部分的新闻素材写成新闻故事。 三、教学目标及重难点 Knowledge aim
Students will be able to review and further understand some words and expressions related to the job of a journalist. Ability aims
1. Students will be able to talk about a scoop with the help of some notes. 2. Students will be able to write a news story based on their speaking and the given structure. Emotional aims
1. To raise students’ awareness that a journalist should have a good guide of public opinion.
2. To guide students to chase stars sensibly. Important point
To review and further understand some words and expressions related to the job of a journalist Difficult points
1. To talk about a scoop with the help of some notes.
2. To write a news story based on their speaking and the given structure successfully.
Teaching and learning method:task-based approach Teaching aids:ppt slides 四、教学过程 Step 1 Lead-in(1 min)
Ask students the questions “What do you want to be in the future? What is your
ideal occupation?” and let them know—But whatever you want to be, you need to know a lot about the occupations and prepare yourselves for them from now on.
【设计意图】让学生头脑风暴,列举自己的理想职业,激活学生的背景知识,用意是让学生明白——不管你想做什么职业,都要充分了解这门职业并为其做准备。为复习上节课所学的记者相关的职业知识做准备。 Step 2 Warming up by reviewing(3 mins)
Have a review of what you have to do as a journalist, what the skills needed to write a story as a journalist are and what a scoop is.
【设计意图】为Speaking和Writing作铺垫。第一个问题复习了记者采访和撰稿的步骤。在采访的过程中,记者都会做笔记(take notes),而Speaking部分就是利用记者的笔记让学生发挥想象还原记者的采访内容。第二个问题复习了写新闻故事需要的技巧。在Writing中会运用到这些技巧。第三个问题是对scoop这个词定义的复习。Scoop是上节课的核心词汇,本课也是围绕这个话题展开,因此有必要复习。
Step 3 Speaking(group work, 11 mins)
Let students suppose themselves to be a journalist. He/she just gets a scoop in an interview. Work in groups to brainstorm what the star might have done with the help of the given notes from the interview(Three interviews are given, students may choose anyone from the interviews).
Interview 1: the announcement of relationship between Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong
Date: October 8th, 2017 Source: Lu Han
Interview 2: Xie Na’s newly-born babies Date: February 1st, 2018
Source: a nurse in Renji Hospital in Shanghai Interview 3: the tax evasion(偷税漏税) of Fan Bingbing Date: May 28th, 2018
Source: the Yin and Yang Contract(阴阳合同) mentioned by Cui Yongyuan【设计意图】让学生临场想出一则新闻并用英语表达出来是一件比较难的事情,因此对该环节做了处理。首先选择最近发生的三则明星新闻作为素材。因为是学生非常感兴趣又熟悉的事情,所以能够充分激发学生的学习热情。其次,要求学生表达时要讲出四个方面的内容:发生了什么事、消息来源、明星的反应和你的看法。这四个方面的内容其实已经暗中给了学生口头表达的框架。这一环节的顺利进行将为写作做好充分的铺垫。此环节小组分组4人一组。分工为大家一起想四个方面的内容,语言表达由英语基础较好同学把关,基础较弱同学做记录,另派一位同学展示本组作品。Writing环节也一样。 Step 4 Writing(group work, 23 mins)
Task 1. Ask students to work in groups to write their own news article using the information in Speaking and following the steps below:
1. Sort out your two headings: a large one(the main headline) at the top and a smaller one under it.
2. Sort out the stages in your story: What the star did? How you found out? How the star reacted? Your opinion.
Task 2. Ask groups to show their writing. 范文:
【设计意图】该环节介绍了新闻故事的篇章结构后老师还和学生们一起分析了“满文军吸毒”范文的篇章结构,并提醒学生在Warming up部分复习的写新闻故事的技巧,然后让学生模仿范文把Speaking部分的新闻素材写成新闻报导。经过Warming up和Speaking的前期铺垫,新闻写作的素材、篇章结构、需注意的事项学生都已了解,写作水到渠成。 Step 5 Summary(1.5 min)
1. Make a summary of the structure of a story for a newspaper. 2. Make a summary of the skills needed to write a story. Step 6 Homework(0.5 min)
1. Improve the article and write it down on your exercise book. 2. Swap with other groups to improve the work.
3. Look through China Daily to learn more skills of writing different types of news articles by yourselves.
【设计意图】分层次布置家庭作业。全班同学都应完善并把小组产出的新闻故事写在自己的作文本上。与其他小组交流分享经验暗合了记者撰写新闻稿的最后一步——You give the article to a senior editor to check and a copy-editor to do editing。学有余力的同学可以课后自学China Daily了解更多新闻写作的技巧。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com