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初中英语人教版八年级下册Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet 3a-3c Reading湖北省 - 襄阳

视频标签:Treasure Isl


视频课题:初中英语人教版八年级下册Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet 3a-3c Reading湖北省 - 襄阳

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初中英语人教版八年级下册Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet 3a-3c Reading湖北省 - 襄阳

Teaching Plan for
Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?
(Section A 3a-3c)
Students: Grade Eight
Teacher:  ChenShanshan
Teaching time: 40 minutes
Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims: Ship/boat, tool, gun, mark/sign, sand, name, bring back, grow…, not long after that…
Ability aims: 1. Be able to use the key words and sentences to tell the story;
2. Imagine and continue writing the story;
Moral aims: 1.Face difficulties bravely and be positive in your life.
2.Never give up easily and try your best to overcome difficulties.
Teaching Difficulties:  
Tell the story of Robinson by oneself frequently
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warm-up and Lead in
          1. Enjoy reading the beginning of the
          2. Lead in  
Lead in this lesson by a brief introduction about Robinson Crusoe.
Then have a short talk with the students.
          T: Which book do you think the book come from ?
           Ss: Robinson Crusoe.
           T:Have you read this book?
           Ss:Yes,I have.
           T: Can you read it for us?
           (Ask students to read the story and explain the new words to them: name, ship, gun, mark)
           T: 1. What do you think of Robinson?
2. Robinson is good at….
3. Robinson never … easily.
4. Do you think Robinson will live that way?
           (Use the questions to help students understand Robinson.)21·cn·jy·com
Step 2. Reading
(1)Pre-reading Give the following questions before reading :
T : What will happen to Robinson? And what would he do to be alive on the wild island? (2)while-reading  Let’s go on
Read and answer the questions.
(Tip: You can circle the key words in the question to help you find the answer.)
1.Read Para. 1 and find out what Robinson did to be alive on the island;
2.Read Para. 2 and answer the questions in 3a.
Step 3: Review
3c. Read the story again and find out the mistakes. Then correct them.
Step 4: Groupwork  -- Tell the story
1. Find out these important words to help you tell the story. (guns, ship, island, knife, mark)
2. Groupwork: Tell the story in group of 4. Every member try to use 2 pictures. And Remember to help each other while telling.2·1·c·n·j·y
Step 5:post-reading  Prediction
Predict what will happen to Robinson?
lived with Friday on the island forever(永远);
was killed by the cannibals;
thought of many ways to go back home;
gave up adventure and lived a quiet life;
continued his adventure;
Step 6: Summary
1. Never give up easily.世纪教有志者事竟成。
2. Persistence makes success.  坚持就是胜利。
Step 7: Homework
1. ★ Tell the story to your friends, teachers or parents after class;21教育网
2. ★★ Try to go on writing your own story of Robinson and share your story with friends;
Step8: Teaching reflection:
Step9:Teaching blackboard design:
Unit 8 Have you read treasure Island yet? SectionA3a-3c
Key words and phrases:
 Ship/boat, tool, gun, mark/sign, sand, name, bring back, grow…, not long after that…
Key sentences:
Have you read Robinson Crusoe?-Yes,I have./No,I haven’t.
I have already taught him some English.
Never give up easily.

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