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在线播放:外研版初中英语九年级上册Module2 Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.安徽省优课

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外研版初中英语九年级上册Module2 Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.安徽省优课

视频标签:in America


视频课题:外研版初中英语九年级上册Module2 Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.安徽省优课

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1. To learn about the history of Thanksgiving and how people celebrate it in America.
2. To write a passage about a festival with the help of writing strategies.
1. Key vocabulary: among, speech, lay, dish, lay the table, grow corn
2. Key structures:We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.
                            While they were crossing the Atlantic, many people died. When it is all over, everyone helps wash the dishes.
PWP method, task-based method
PPT, multimedia and some pictures
Step 1 Warming up
        Play a guessing game to lead in Thanksgiving Day.
        Show pictures, and then play a video to help Ss know more about Thanksgiving Day.
Step 2 Reading
       Ⅰ.Fast reading.
        Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs.
              a) A special dinner
              b) An American festival
              c) The history of the festival
              d)Things to do during the festival
      Guide Ss to get the reading strategy: pay special attention to the 1st sentence in each paragraph. Check the answers.
      Ⅱ.Careful reading.
       ⑴.Read para1. Choose the picture(s) related to Thanksgiving and give your reasons.
       ⑵.Read para2. Pairwork. Ask and answer the following questions in pairs.
             1. How long have they celebrated the festival?
              2. Why did they celebrate it?
     ⑶.Read para3. Present the key phrase. Put the expressions in the correct order.
             A. Make a speech to show thanks
             B. Get the food ready
             C. Lay the table
             D. Talk with the family happily
             E. Wash the dishes
        Check the answers.
    ⑷.Read para4. List the activities on Thanksgiving Day.
    ⑸.Watch and read along with the video.
      Ⅲ.Complete the table.
          The students can learn the main point with the help of the teacher and solve the problems.
                Facts about Thanksgiving
Date __________________________
Meaning _____________ for their food
History    Have celebrated it since ______________from England arrived in America 
                Learnt from the Native Americans how to _______ and celebrated together by ________________ of the new food 
Celebration Celebrate with __________________ _______________________ before dinner.
                   Celebrate by watching _____________ in New York City and _______________ on television
     Step 3 Summary
           Help Ss to summarize the structure of the passage. Carry out emotional education among students: to respect the other 
 countries’ histories and the other countries’ cultures.
     Step 4 Writing
        Ⅰ.Guide Ss how to write a passage about a festival, using the Thanksgiving Day passage as a model. 
            Go through Learning to learn.
        Ⅱ.Present the dates and special foods of some Chinese traditional festivals.  Hand out the uncompleted letters and have Ss
work  in groups to write a letter to Mr Bean, who is interested in Chinese culture, introducing one of Chinese traditional festivals.        
        Ⅲ.Each group choose a representative to present their letters. 
      1.Get more information about American festivals.
      2.Compare a Chinese festival with an American festival.

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