
视频标签:read Treasur,Island yet
视频课题:人教新目标英语八年级下册Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet Section A 3a—3c重庆
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:人教新目标英语八年级下册Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet Section A 3a—3c重庆上桥中学校
There is an island which is full of treasures。If you want to get the treasure,you must have Courage,Wisdom,Confidence。Let’s see which group is the winner, and can get the treasure at last。
活动2【活动】individual study
Read the passage quickly,and translate the phrases
读这本名著 read the classic (read——read——read)
找到轮船 find the ship (find——found——found)
制作小船 make the ship (make——made——made)
带回东西 bring back things (bring——brought——brought)
砍倒树木 cut down trees (cut——cut——cut)
建造房子 build a house (build——built——built)
种植水果蔬菜 grow fruit and vegetables (grow——grew——grown)
失去我的生命 lose my life (lose——lost——lost)
教他英语 teach him English(teach——taught——taught)
Then read the verbs,past tense and pp forms of the verbs
活动3【讲授】new words
explain the new words to students; marks(印记标记), connibals(食人兽),If you are on the island, how to save yourself.
活动4【活动】individual study
Go through the
sentences and guess the words.
1.You can use these to shoot things: __guns_________
2.You can use these to cut things: ____knives_________
3. Something can light things and give us light___matches_________
4. A lone line you can use helps us climb____rope__.
5.Something you use to travel in the sea: ___boat or__ship_____
With these tools, can you save
yourself on an island?
We can use ---- to ----.
We can do --- with ----.
活动6【测试】group work
We can kill animals and birds with guns for food.
We can climb to get fruit and control animals with ropes.
We can cut down trees with knives and built a house.
We can make a boat with knives.
We can light things with matches to cook food , keep warm and keep dangerous animas away.
In these ways, we can survive!
活动7【讲授】 individual study
《鲁滨逊漂流记》由英国作家丹尼尔·笛福所著。它是一部家喻户晓的现实主义回忆录式冒险小说。作者受一个苏格兰水手海上遇险的经历启发写成的。 小说分三部分:第一部分写鲁滨逊初出茅庐,最初三次航海的经过及其在巴西经营种植园的情况;第二部分详细描述了主人公流落荒岛,独居28年的种种情景;第三部分简要交代了鲁滨逊回国后的命运及这个海岛未来的发展趋向。
活动8【活动】individual study
then match the main idea of each Para
Para 1 Robinson had a new friend.
Para 2 Robinson’s new life on the island.
活动9【活动】group work
Task3:careful reading
Read Para 1 and answer questions.
1. Why won’t Robinson give up?
2. What does Robinson wait for?
3. What is Robinson’s life on the island?
Read Para 2 and answer
1.What did Robinson find on the sand a few weeks ago?
2. What did Robinson see and what did he do?
3. Why does Robinson call the man Friday?
活动10【练习】group work
Task3:Careful reading
1、Robinson Crusoe arrived on the island with enough food and drink。
2、Friday made a small boat.
3、Robinson had some food and tools when he first arrived on the island.
4、Robinsoncut used the ship to build a house.
5、Friday saw some marks of another man’s feet on the beach
6、Friday tried to kill the two men.
活动11【讲授】The ending of the story
Finally, an English ship appears, Friday and Robinson are taken to England. He returns to the English countryside and lived there , marrying and having three children.
courage, wisdom , confidence
Whenever you meet difficulties, please face them and you’ll do wonders.
活动12【作业】retell the story
Homework: retell the whole story with the information in 3c.
1. Robinson Crusoe arrived on the island with nothing.
2. Robinson Crusoe made a small boat.
3. Robinson had nothing when he first arrived on the island.
4. Robinson cut down trees to build a house.
5. Robinson Crusoe saw some marks of another man’s feet on the beach.
6. Some cannibals tried to kill the two men.
优点:1教师仪表大方,上课富有激情,肢体语言丰富。 2.本堂课教学目标清晰,以寻宝为主线,激起学生的好奇心和求知欲。 3.本课的教学设计紧扣主题,教学活动形式多样,教学环节环环相扣,层层递进,学生很轻松的掌握了阅读策略。 4.在小组活动环节,教师创设情境让学生大胆想象 ,培养了学生的思维创新能力。 4情感目标过渡自然,不生硬。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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