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在线播放:冀教版英语(三年级起点)三年级下册Lesson 15 what‘s your favourite food河北省- 蔚县

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冀教版英语(三年级起点)三年级下册Lesson 15 what‘s your favourite food河北省- 蔚县

视频标签:your favouri


视频课题:冀教版英语(三年级起点)三年级下册Lesson 15 what‘s your favourite food河北省- 蔚县

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冀教版英语(三年级起点)三年级下册Lesson 15 what‘s your favourite food河北省- 蔚县

学生能听懂、会说、认读和书写下列词汇:chicken  fish  vegetables  fruit  like
学生能理解和口头使用下列用语:I like _____. I don’t like _____.
What’s your favourite food?   My favourite food is ________.
(1)通过调查学生喜爱的食物, 指导他们养成健康的饮食观念。
    三年级学生由于刚接触英语句型,还存在着学习方法和学习策略经验不足等问题,但他们却有着极强的求知欲强和表现欲。根据学生的心理特点我一改以往教高年级学生时的教学模式,课上多以表扬为主,注重对学生英语学习兴趣的培养,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、努力唱!让学生们在玩玩、做做、说说、 唱唱中学习英语,争取在本学期让学生的学习能力在原有的基础上能大幅度提高。
I like _____. I don’t like _____.
What’s your favourite food? My favourite food is ______. 
活动1【讲授】What’s your favourite food 
Step 1:Greeting and Revision:
1. Greeting and chant
 2. Ask students to talk about the food pictures that they learned in last lesson to exercise.
‘’What’s this?  It’s _____.
Would you like _______?   Yes, please! / No, thanks!”
Step 2:Presentation1
Part 1: I like chicken .
 (1) lead in
 T:Look here,what’s this ?
S:It’s a chicken .
T:Can you eat a chicken?
S:No,I can’t.
T: What’s this now?
S:It’s chicken .
T:I like chicken . (Show the happy face to explain “like”)
 What’s that ? It’s a fish. And it’s fish. I don’t like fish . (Show the sad face)
  What is it ? It’s fruit .I like fruit ,but I don’t like vegetables.
(2)Let’s play a game
  If you have a happy face ,you say I like.  
If you have a sad face ,you say I don’t like.
用四组食物图片进行练习,Ask students to exercise in pairs like the teacher, then show in front. “I like/ don’t like ______.”
Step3. Presentation2
Show the pictures of meat ,fish and chicken .
T:I like meat and fish but my favourite food is chicken.
Teach “favourite”. Write it on the blackboard.
T: My favourite food is ________. What’s your favourite food?
Ask some students to try and answer.
let’s do it仍然接着操练本句型,并增加了颜色和动物,拓展了该部分内容,提高了学生运用英语口语的能力。
3.  let’s play (ask and answer one by one)
4.  Read and listen ,then answer the question:
    If you are Li Ming ,What’s your favorite food ?
Step 4 .Play a game : “Finding Friends”
用两套相同的食物卡片发给同学们,请他们用What’s your favourite food?    My favourite food is ________. 
I like/ don’t like ______.句型问其他的同学,当问到和自己手里卡片食物名称一样的同学时就找了到自己的朋友。
Step 5 .Checking and homework.
T: What do you have learned today?
Answer the students to answer.
     2. Homework: Practice in pairs . Act your dialogue after class.
活动2【导入】What’s your favourite food 
Step 1:Greeting and Revision:
1. Greeting and chant
 2. Ask students to talk about the food pictures that they learned in last lesson to exercise.
‘’What’s this?  It’s _____.
Would you like _______?   Yes, please! / No, thanks!”
Step 2:Presentation1
Part 1: I like chicken .
 (1) lead in
 T:Look here,what’s this ?
S:It’s a chicken .
T:Can you eat a chicken?
S:No,I can’t.
T: What’s this now?
S:It’s chicken .
T:I like chicken . (Show the happy face to explain “like”)
 What’s that ? It’s a fish. And it’s fish. I don’t like fish . (Show the sad face)
  What is it ? It’s fruit .I like fruit ,but I don’t like vegetables.
(2)Let’s play a game
  If you have a happy face ,you say I like.  
If you have a sad face ,you say I don’t like.
用四组食物图片进行练习,Ask students to exercise in pairs like the teacher, then show in front. “I like/ don’t like ______.”
Step3. Presentation2
Show the pictures of meat ,fish and chicken .
T:I like meat and fish but my favourite food is chicken.
Teach “favourite”. Write it on the blackboard.
T: My favourite food is ________. What’s your favourite food?
Ask some students to try and answer.
let’s do it仍然接着操练本句型,并增加了颜色和动物,拓展了该部分内容,提高了学生运用英语口语的能力。
3.  let’s play (ask and answer one by one)
4.  Read and listen ,then answer the question:
    If you are Li Ming ,What’s your favorite food ?
Step 4 .Play a game : “Finding Friends”
用两套相同的食物卡片发给同学们,请他们用What’s your favourite food?    My favourite food is ________. 
I like/ don’t like ______.句型问其他的同学,当问到和自己手里卡片食物名称一样的同学时就找了到自己的朋友。
Step 5 .Checking and homework.
T: What do you have learned today?
Answer the students to answer.
     2. Homework: Practice in pairs . Act your dialogue after class.

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“your favouri”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“冀教版英语(三年级起点)三年级下册Lesson 15 what‘s your favourite food河北省- 蔚县”,所属分类为“小学英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“冀教版英语(三年级起点)三年级下册Lesson 15 what‘s your favourite food河北省- 蔚县”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:9899267】 -----

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