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在线播放:冀教五年级上册第三单元第13课Beijing Is Great河北省 - 保定

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冀教五年级上册第三单元第13课Beijing Is Great河北省 - 保定

视频标签:Is Great


视频课题:冀教五年级上册第三单元第13课Beijing Is Great河北省 - 保定

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冀教五年级上册第三单元第13课Beijing Is Great河北省 - 保定

    I love to travel. I want to go to ___.I want ___ to come.There  are many interesting places in Beijing.It is great!
  能够在句子中正确运用love want
(一)Class Opening and Warming Up
  1. Greeting:Free-talking
  S1: What country is this?
  S2:It is ___.
  S1: What is the capital city of this country?
S2:It is ___.
S1: Good!
  [设计意图:快速问答, 既复习了旧知识,又提高了英语口语表达能力,并且为本课埋下伏笔。]
    (1).Play a game: let’s guess where is Miss Qu.
  T: Do you want to know where is Miss Qu?
  S: Yes, I do!
  T: Can you guess?
S: yes.
T: Yes! Good work!And what do you know about ___.
S:I know ______.      
  T:Great!Do you love Beijing? Do you want to go to Beijing?
(2). Using PowerPoint to show.
The Palace Museum is beautiful.
Tian’anmen Square is famous.
The Great Wall is long.
There are many interesting places in Beijing.
It is great!
  (3). Ask and answer Miss Qu’s questions.
    Does Miss Qu love to travel?
   Where does Miss Qu want to go?
   Who do you want to go with?
   Are there any interesting places there?
   What are they?
   (4). Listen read and answer .
 Does Li Ming love to travel?
.Read the text and answer these questions.
 Where does Li Ming want to go?
 Who does Li Ming want to go with?
 Are there any interesting places there?
 What are they?
.Read part1 and write.
Li Ming loves to ____.
He wants his ____ to come.
There are many ____ _____ in Beijing.
Beijing is the capital ____ of China.
.Do a survery.
.Pair work:ask and answer in pairs.
Peform--Try to  say use these words.
 Beijing is great!
(great, travel, love, interesting places, famous, beautiful, long, I want to go to ___.)
  This lesson we learned the words: love travel interesting places. We can say:I want to go to ___.I love to ____.So after the class please talk to your mum and dad.
(五) Homework:  
Listen to the tape of Lesson13 read follow up.
2.Talk about "Beijing is great"
3. Do a survey about your parents .
Lesson 13 Beijing is great!
I love to travel.
I want to go to Beijing.
Tian’anmen Square is famous.
The Palace Museum is beautiful.
The Great Wall is long.
There are many interesting places in Beijing.
活动1【导入】 Greeting:Free-talking
1. Greeting:Free-talking
  S1: What country is this?
  S2:It is ___.
  S1: What is the capital city of this country?
S2:It is ___.
S1: Good!
  [设计意图:快速问答, 既复习了旧知识,又提高了英语口语表达能力,并且为本课埋下伏笔。]
活动2【讲授】 (二)Presentation
    (1).Play a game: let’s guess where is Miss Qu.
  T: Do you want to know where is Miss Qu?
  S: Yes, I do!
  T: Can you guess?
S: yes.
T: Yes! Good work!And what do you know about ___.
S:I know ______.      
  T:Great!Do you love Beijing? Do you want to go to Beijing?
(2). Using PowerPoint to show.
The Palace Museum is beautiful.
Tian’anmen Square is famous.
The Great Wall is long.
There are many interesting places in Beijing.
It is great!
活动3【练习】ask and answer
(3). Ask and answer Miss Qu’s questions.
    Does Miss Qu love to travel?
   Where does Miss Qu want to go?
   Who do you want to go with?
   Are there any interesting places there?
   What are they?
   (4). Listen read and answer .
 Does Li Ming love to travel?
.Read the text and answer these questions.
 Where does Li Ming want to go?
 Who does Li Ming want to go with?
 Are there any interesting places there?
 What are they?
活动4【活动】Do a survery.
Do a survery.use the chart to ask and answer.
活动5【测试】exercise and perform
Read part1 and write.
Li Ming loves to ____.
He wants his ____ to come.
There are many ____ _____ in Beijing.
Beijing is the capital ____ of China.
Peform--Try to  say use these words.
 Beijing is great!
(great, travel, love, interesting places, famous, beautiful, long, I want to go to ___.)
Listen to the tape of Lesson13 read follow up.
2.Talk about "Beijing is great"
3. Do a survey about your parents
    (1).Play a game: let’s guess where is Miss Qu.
  T: Do you want to know where is Miss Qu?
  S: Yes, I do!
  T: Can you guess?
S: yes.
T: Yes! Good work!And what do you know about ___.
S:I know ______.      
  T:Great!Do you love Beijing? Do you want to go to Beijing?
(2). Using PowerPoint to show.
The Palace Museum is beautiful.
Tian’anmen Square is famous.
The Great Wall is long.
There are many interesting places in Beijing.
It is great!

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Is Great”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“冀教五年级上册第三单元第13课Beijing Is Great河北省 - 保定”,所属分类为“小学英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“冀教五年级上册第三单元第13课Beijing Is Great河北省 - 保定”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:9899267】 -----

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