视频标签:Recycle and
视频课题:译林版英语六年级上册6A Project 2 Recycle and reuse (period 1)江苏省- 响水
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译林版英语六年级上册6A Project 2 Recycle and reuse (period 1)江苏省- 响水
6A Project 2 Recycle and reuse (period 1)教学设计 By Zhang Chunli
一、教学目标 1.知识目标:
①复习夯实巩固已学环保类知识,学生能熟练使用情态动词。 ②学生能结合3R环保理念,了解保护地球的途径及方法。 2能力目标:
① 学生能简单区分reuse的物品以及 recycle的物品并连贯地表述。 ② 拓展reuse, recycle和reduce,学生能够理解并运用3R原则。 ③ 学生能用充分利用身边的物品做手工,培养其动手能力 3情感目标:
① 激起学生保护地球资源的共鸣。 ② 培养学生热爱地球家园的情感。 ③ 培养学生相互合作学习的意识。 二、教学重点:
2在复习巩固中理解并运用3R原则,并能用来组织各种实践活动。 三、教学过程 Before class
Yesterday you did some homework. Some of you did good job. Let’s watch a video. 微视频展示学生课前用废弃料制作好的手工作品.(设计意图:通过学生课前制作的这些手工制作品,培养学生动手能力的同时也培养了他们的创造力,又传递了生活中我们也可以“变废品为艺术品”的环保理念。)You have many creative ideas. Big hands for these boys and girls.
(一). Warming up
1. Greetings 2. Free talk
I’m very happy today. Do you know why? Guess. (突出以学生为主体,学生思考问我) Yes, I meet some old friends. (二) .Learn about 3R
T: Today, I bring an animal friend, Pinch, a pack rat.一只收纳鼠。(板书图片) He’s not happy. Why? Let’s listen.
Pinch: Hello, boys and girls. I'm Pinch. I like keeping everything. I keep old magazines, clothes, toy cars, boats, tools and books and games... So, my house is.... T: What do you think of Pinch’s house?
S1: Pinch’s house is messy and dirty(设计意图:通过听和看的方式让学生有一个直观印象谈感受)
(A) 3R---reuse
T:Let’s go on listening.
a. Pinch: Too many things make my house messy and dirty, how can I do? Can you help me? T: What can Pinch do with those things? (设计意图:通过Pinch 家又脏又乱的画面引发学生的深度思考,各抒己见,以最终老师引入如何变废为宝。) S: …
T: The best way is to reuse them, do you think so? S: Yes!
T:What does Pinch say this time? Listen.
b. Pinch: Thank you, my friend, but what does ”reuse” mean? T: what does ”reuse” mean? (板书课题reuse) S: It means we can use the thing again.
T: What can we reuse? Now talk in groups and then write them down on P88. Go. T: Ok, what can we reuse?
S1: We can reuse old newspapers S2: We can reuse old clothes. S3: We can reuse... (ppt一起呈现)
T: Look, I can reuse the cap of the pen to make a hair pin, is it cool? ( 师边说边用学生的钢笔套变成发夹)
T: You did handwork yesterday, right? Now share your handwork in groups first, You can talk like this… Go!
T: Who wants to show it in the front.(先小组内介绍,然后选一名代表到台前展示) S:…
T:You all have many great ideas. Big hands.
(B) 3R---recycle
T:What does Pinch say this time? Listen.
a. Pinch: I’m going to Tag Sale. My friends come to help me, but they don’t know how to sort
them, can you help me? T: Do you know Tag Sale? Let me show you (图片呈现)What is Tag sale? Yes, 跳蚤市场.
T: Before Pinch go to Tag Sale, Let’s help him sort the things first. Look, people can reuse plastic bottles to make a vase. And they can change them into the bench, do you believe it?
T: Watch a video. (通过废旧易拉罐送入工厂经加工成铝合金窗,再把废弃的铝合金窗送入工厂再加工又制成易拉罐这个过程用图片展示给学生看,形象直观地理解 “recycle” 的含义) T: So we can use plastic bottles to make the bench. Right? Yes, we call it Recycle! Now, read after me, cycle, recycle, read one by one, read together. (板书课题recycle)
T: What can we recycle? Talk in groups first and then write them down. Go! S: We can recycle computers, plastic bottles, metal, newspapers… T: We can recycle these things, so they are recyclable. b. Talk in groups.
T: Now, can you classify these things?
For example, I can put A in the yellow bin. Now, you can talk in groups first. S: I can put…
T: How to recycle them? Why? Talk in groups. You can speak in Chinese c. 3R---reduce
T: Ok, boys and girls Can we recycle the oil? S: No.
T: So something we can’t reuse or recycle, what should we do?
S: …
T: Yes, you are smart. We should save and reduce it. So reduce means we can use more or less? Yes, use less.
Now can you show us your good ideas about reducing? For example, when I brush my teeth, I can turn off the tap. Ok, you can talk first. S: …
(C) Let’s summarize---3R
a. Pinch: Now I know 3R, do you know it? T:Do you know 3R? (板书3R)
The best way to protect the Earth is…
S: reuse, recycle and reduce.(板书reuse, recycle, reduce) T: Can you find the common point of these words?
S: Re...(学生观察单词,自己寻找规律) T: Yes. Here “re-” is a prefix that means… S: again.
T: Yeah. Reuse means to use the things again. Then what about recycle? S: To cycle again.
T: Excellent. Recycle means to cycle again and it also means to use again after processing. T: Reduce means to… Yes, use less.
(学生们根据老师的提示尝试自己猜中文或者用英文解释单词,解释不来,老师协助完成。) b. T: Can you read these new words? S: …
T: Let’s read these new words together. S: …
T: Tell us what’s the meaning of them? What about its Chinese meaning? S: …
(A) Keep the town clean
Pinch: After the Tag Sale, my friends and I have a lot of money. We’re going to buy many trees for the town. To keep our town clean, can you give us more suggestions? T: Talk in groups and show us your ideas. S: You can …
(B) Keep our school clean
T: As a student, can we move the factories away? What can we do to keep our school clean? S: …
(C) How to protect the Earth?
T:Thank you, boys and girls. Your ideas are great! You know the Earth is our home. We should protect it, right? But how? You can talk from these aspects.
S: To protect the Earth, we should / shouldn’t… (reduce the use of plastic bags and bottles. We should reuse and recycle things...)(小组讨论汇报)
Pinch: Thank you, friends. I have to do my homework now, byebye.
T: Pinch’s doing homework. Let’s do exercise too.
检测反馈: Read and choose
(我检查组长的,组长检查批改成员的,最后集体评讲错的多的) T:Summary
Ok, for this lesson, we know… (根据板书上的思维导图小结) (五).Homework
1. Make a poster to tell all the students to reuse, reduce and recycle. 制作关于3R的海报 2. Share the story <Stuff> with your friends. 和朋友们分享<Stuff> 故事 At the end of the class, sing a song “ go green”
一、学习指南 | ||||||||||||||||
1.课题名称:六年级上册Project 2 Recycle and reuse (period 1) | ||||||||||||||||
2.达成目标: 知识目标: (1)复习巩固已学环保类知识,学生能熟练使用情态动词。 (2)学生能结合3R环保理念,说说如何保护环境、保护地球。 能力目标: (1)学生能简单区分reuse的物品以及 recycle的物品并连贯地表述。 (2)拓展reuse, recycle和reduce,学生能够理解并运用3R原则。 (3)学生能用充分利用身边的物品做手工,培养其动手能力 情感目标: (1)激起学生保护地球资源的共鸣。 (2)培养学生热爱地球家园的情感。 (3)培养学生相互合作学习的意识。 |
3.学习方法建议: (1)充分利用身边的各种资源搜集资料。 (2)发挥想象力,动手操作。 |
二、学习任务 | ||||||||||||||||
1.搜集有关3R环保理念的资料。 2.利用废旧物品完成一份手工作品,并能做简单的介绍。 3.观看视频 Go green, 学唱歌曲。 |
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四、困惑与建议 | ||||||||||||||||
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com