
视频标签:We laughed,a lot
视频课题:外研社版五年级下册Unit 1 We laughed a lot大连长兴岛经济区新
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:外研社版五年级下册Unit 1 We laughed a lot大连长兴岛经济区新港小学
教材内容 评论
本单元是来自新课标外研社三年级起点第六册Module9 Letters from Abroad的课文,内容是Lingling写给Daming的一封信,在语法上主要以一般过去时为主,主要介绍了Lingling和她的小伙伴在children’s theatre观看show的见闻。故事的时间是last week, 用了以下动词过去式:went, wore, told, was, laughed, went, ate。这些动词过去式承载着故事发生的时间、细节描述,并贯穿整个故事的流程。
2教学目标 评论
1. 语言知识与技能目标
(1)能听懂,会说,认读单词 women/ wore/ tell - told/ joke / funny
(2) 能听懂,会说,认读句式The men wore women’s clothes. The women wore men’s clothes. The actors told lots of jokes. We laughed a lot.能比较准确地描述过去发生的事情。
3学情分析 评论
4重点难点 评论
1. 教学重点:
(1)能听懂,会说,认读单词 wore/ actor/ tell - told/ joke / funny
(2)能听懂,会说,认读句式The men wore women’s clothes. The women wore men’s clothes. The actors told lots of jokes. We laughed a lot. 能比较准确地描述过去发生的事情。
5.1 教学过程
5.1.1I Warm up & Lead in 评论
I Warm up & Lead in
1. Sing a song: Where did you go?
2. Free talk: where did you go yesterday? What did you do there? (引入,让学生说昨天去哪了,做了什么,简单复习过去时。)
3. Lead in: Do you want to know where did I go yesterday?
(图片提示,让学生询问并猜出我是在家,看了一个有趣的duck show。然后出示the duck show 的图片。图片播放过程中用英语解说,鸭子穿礼服非常有趣,引出活动1。)
4. activity 1:
1. Listen and sense
What did they see?
2. Learn “wore”
(通过已学单词more, before, 来感知“ore”语音,迁移出wore 的读音,然后教授wore 是wear 的过去式)
3. Listen and repeat
II Task Presentation.
Today let’s continue to talk about things that happened before and then share with your friends. We will make a story poster together. Do you want to make a story poster?
III Text learning
Look, Lingling wrote a letter to Daming. She saw some funny things and shared with Daming. Let’s have a look~
1. Listen and sense
Where did Lingling see these funny things?
a. in a children’s theatre
b. in a restaurant
c. in a museum
Introduce “children’s theatre”
2. Read and answer
a. What did the men and the women wear?
b. What did the actors do?
c. What was their feeling?
Practice the sentences:
The men wore women’s clothes.
The women wore men’s clothes.
Learn “told”
(先利用以前学习的单词 old, cold 来感知“-old”语音,然后迁移单词told 读音,然后教授told 是tell的过去式。
3. Listen and repeat
Do a reading activity:Reading for you ,
IV Practice
Filling in the blanks:
V Task completion
1. Look, I wrote a story of my last travelling.
(出示范文,老师写的一个介绍过去发生的事小短文,让学生看并总结如何写过去发生的事:注意内容要有要素:where介绍地点,去哪了, what介绍事件,都做了哪些事,feeling,说说自己的感受。)
2. Group work
3. Write your story
(给每位学生一个卡片,让学生根据提示和练习完成写作。选取2-3 个展示,修改。)
4. Make a story poster
VI Summary and homework.
homework:1. Read the text to your partner and sign signature.
2. Choose one: a. talk about your story to your friend.
b. Write down your story.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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