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人教版高二必修七英语Unit 3 Old Tom The Killer Whale reading山东泰安

视频标签:old tom


视频课题:人教版高二必修七英语Unit 3 Old Tom The Killer Whale reading山东泰安

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人教版高二必修七英语unit3 old tom the killer whale山东泰安

Unit 3 Old Tom The Killer Whale
Before the class,play a song named “under the sea”
Section 1. pre-task (任务前)(3 分钟)
Warming up and Lead in.(热身与情景导入)
Say hello to the students and ask the students:
 Just now we enjoyed a song.Can you guess the name of the
song? Are you curious about the world under the sea? Follw
me,please. Let’s explore the world under the sea.  Show
pictures about the plants and animals under the sea. Ask the
student: Do you know what is the largest animal in the sea?
Can you tell me the name of the whale? etc.
Section 2 During – task (任务中) (28 分钟)
Step 1. Skimming (略读)
Ask the students to read the passage as quickly as possible
and choose the best answer.
The style of the passage is_____ . introduction
C. anecdotes expository essay
Tell the student what is an anecdote.And when we read an
anecdote,we should pay attention to 4 aspects.
(when,where,who ,what)
Ask them : 1)when and where did the anecdotes in the text

  1. Who are the characters?
  2. What are the main ideas of the anecdote?
Step 2 Scanning (寻读)
Read Anecdote 1 and fill in the blanks.
How did the killers help the whalers?
Killers' activities What’s the purpose of
killers’ activities
1.Old Tom     itself out of
the water and     down
2. Old Tom    by the boat.  
3.They threw themselves on
of the whale’s blow-hole to
stop it    and others stop it
and      out to sea.
4. They dragged the body
down to the       of the sea.
Read Anecdote 2 and fill in the blanks.
  1. ___1____was washed off the
  1. The waves were carrying
him _____2___________
  1. A shark appeared.
Solution _____3____ held James up in the
Ask a question:Why did Old Tom do so?
Step 3 .Intensive reading for detailed information (精读获取
Read the passage carefully and answer the following
  1. What evidence was there that Old Tom was helping the
whalers out?
  1. How did the killer whales work as a team?
  2. Why did the whalers allow the killer whales to drag the
whale away?
  1. Why did the whalers return home without the whale’s
Step 4 Sublimation
Task 1. A question based on the understanding of the whole
  From  the  reading  , the  relationship between humans
and  animals was ______ and _________ .
Task 2. Watch a video with a question: what’s your feelings
after watching?
Section 3 Post –task (任务后) (14 分钟)
Task 1 Have a debate about whether to hunt whales or not.
Group 1-6 act as the speakers of Japanese government.
Group 7-12 act as  the speakers of Australian government.
(give them 6 minutes to prepare and then show )
Remember:Sea species are our friends. They can keep the
balance of nature and make our world colorful. To protect
sea species is to protect
Task 2 Self-evaluation(自我评价,调整策略)
Ask the students to answer the following questions and
evaluate whether and to what degree they have achieved the
teaching aims:
  1. What do you learn in this class?
  2. Where do you need to improve?
  3. What will you do in your future study?
Task 3 Check which group is the winner and congratulate
Homework:  Please write an article calling on the public to
protect the sea as well as sea animals.

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