视频标签:Natural Disa
视频课题:人教版(2019)必修一Unit 4 Natural Disasters Reading and Thinking B1U4NaturalDisasters
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部编版高中新课程新教材优质课比赛(省赛)人教版必修一Unit 4 Natural Disasters Reading and Thinking B1U4NaturalDisasters------------------
第一部分 单元整体教学设计
单元基本信息 | |||||||
学科 | 英语 | 实施年级 | 高一 | 设计者 | 胡娟 | ||
使用教材 | 人教版(2019)必修一 | ||||||
单元名称 | Unit 4 Natural Disasters | ||||||
单元课时 | 8课时 | ||||||
单元整体教学教学设计说明 | |||||||
教学设计围绕Natural Disasters这一单元主题,利用新闻报道、报告文学、视频等多模态语篇、创设真实情境,激活学生已有知识和经验,设计富有逻辑、层层递进的教-学-评一体化活动,使学生在“自然灾害”主题语境中学习理解、应用实践和迁移创新,逐步加深对自然灾害的认知,树立防灾意识,培养人类命运共同体的国际视野和价值取向,并落实到积极应对自然灾害的行动中,推动学科核心素养落地课堂。 | |||||||
引领性学习主题 | |||||||
1.主题名称 | 人与自然--灾害防范--自然灾害与防范,安全常识与自我保护 | ||||||
2.主题概述 |
本单元以自然灾害为话题,探讨在“人与自然”的主题之下,当人类面临自然灾害的威胁时,应该树立防灾意识,不断研究和认识自然灾害并提高在灾难中逃生和生存的能力。本单元力图体现“灾害无情,人有情”的主题意义,即人类在重大自然灾害面前不屈不挠,相互援助,坚定信心,重建家园。 首先,开篇页的引言“Live to Tell: Raise Awareness, Reducing Mortality.”是2016年联合国世界减灾日的活动主题,呼吁人们重视自然灾难,树立防灾意识,在话题方面为本单元做了铺垫。 单元第一课时是Listening and Speaking。该板块的活动主题是“播报自然灾害”(Report natural disasters)。学生观看一段关于自然灾害的视频,获得对自然灾害的直观感受并了解相关词汇,再通过听取四则对自然灾害的新闻播报,最终完成模拟播报自然灾害新闻活动。本课时的主题意义在于认识自然灾害的种类。 单元第二课时是Reading and Thinking。该板块以“描述自然灾害”(Describe a natural disaster)为活动主题。学生可以阅读的文本是一篇纪实性报告文学,文章按地震前、中、后的顺序向读者整体描述了唐山大地震这场灾难。学生通过阅读了解唐山大地震,学习报告文学这种纪实性文体的语言特征,最后完成用自己的语言描述自然灾害的任务。 单元第三课时是Language Focus。本课时要求学生掌握ruin, suffer, shock,survive等重点词汇的用法,并从唐山大地震的亲历者、志愿者、救援队员、地震专家、教育专家等不同角度,描述唐山大地震。 单元第四课时是Discovering Useful Structures。该板块的活动主题是“描述自然灾害的图片”(Describe pictures of disasters)。本课时的主要内容是that, which, who, whom, whose引导的限制性定语从句。学生将通过“感知-发现-总结-练习-运用”的学习过程,掌握定语从句,并能将这些定语从句用于对自然灾害的描述,从而提升自己的语言表达和应用能力。 单元第五课时是Listening and Talking。该板块的活动主题是“为灾害做准备”(Prepare for a disaster)。听力文本以对话形式呈现。地震救援专家带着搜救犬进入学生课堂,与学生互动,在回答学生问题时,讲解了减少灾害损失的准备工作,以及地震发生时能够帮助自救的基本安全准则等内容。要求学生在该板块了解、思考、讨论地震防灾知识及应对措施,最后能有条理地叙述应该如何为应对灾难做准备,探讨应急包的准备以及灾难发生时如何逃生等内容。本课时的主题意义在于探讨面对灾害的威胁和所造成的损失时,人们可以采取的应对措施。 单元第六课时是Reading for Writing。该板块的活动主题是“写摘要”(Write a summary)。本课时阅读文本是一则关于海啸的新闻报道。文本交代了海啸发生的时间、地点、范围、原因、受灾情况,以及救援行动等。学生在读完关于海啸的新闻报道之后,参考教科书中提供的摘要示范,为单元主篇阅读“The Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep”编写摘要。这一过程能培养学生提炼关键信息以及概括、归纳要点的高阶思维能力,同时还是培养和提高学生分析、归纳、总结等思维能力的重要方法。 单元第七课时是Assessing Your Progress,包括Vocabulary, Grammar, Reflecting, Project四个板块。前三个板块针对本单元重点词汇和语法进行复习,回顾本单元主要内容。项目活动是“作一个关于自然灾害的报告”,以小组形式完成报告的任务,紧扣单元主题,在内容上要求学生从自然灾害的成因、后果及救援措施这三方面进行陈述,体现较高的综合语言运用能力及总结概括能力。 单元第八课时是Video Time。该板块提供了名为“Tsunami: Killer Wave”的视频资料,介绍了海啸发生的原因、发生时的可怕场景、对人类所造成的巨大伤害,以及科学家们为预测和预防海啸所做的努力等内容。 ![]() |
3.主题学情分析 |
第一,学生对于本单元主题自然灾害如洪灾,地震,山体滑坡等有一定的感性认知,但是他们对于历史上一些重大自然灾害不够了解,防灾意识和自我保护意识较为淡薄,并且缺乏自然灾害相关的安全常识和防范措施。 第二,学生虽然接触过新闻报道和纪实性报告文学语篇,但是对这两种文体不太熟悉,需要进一步学习它们的语言特点和篇章结构。 第三,学生现有的与自然灾害相关的词汇量较为有限,还处于积累和获取阶段,虽然已掌握一些关于自然灾害的词汇,但用英语表达自然灾害相关内容还是有难度。 第四,学生初中已经接触过 that、which、who、whom引导的限制性定语从句,但是,对于whose引导的定语从句比较陌生。 |
素养导向的学习目标 | |||||||
单元教学目标 | 活动主题及课时 | |||||
认识了解自然灾害 | 了解新闻播报应包含的基本要素和语言特征;能够简要模仿新闻播报,报道突发的自然灾害。 |
Report natural disasters (听说:一课时) |
了解海啸的相关知识;能够了解和掌握一些与自然灾害相关的安全常识和防范措施。 |
Tsunami: Killer Wave (看:一课时) |
深入探究自然灾害 | 阅读描述重大灾害的纪实性报告文学语篇,掌握该类语篇的语言特征和叙事要点,并且能够分析阅读语篇的文本结构;能够运用所学知识描述历史上的自然灾害。 |
Describe a natural disaster (阅读思考:一课时) |
掌握并能运用地震相关重点词汇描述唐山地震。 |
Describe a natural disaster (词汇:一课时) |
复习关系代词引导的定语从句;学习并掌握用 whose引导的定语从句;能够运用关系代词引导的定语从句描述事物的具体信息。 |
Describe pictures of disasters (语法:一课时) |
能够为重大新闻事件的专题报道编写摘要。 |
Write a summary (读写:一课时) |
积极应对自然灾害 | 能够运用指令性语言,介绍应对各种自然灾害的准备工作和措施; 具备积极应对灾难的意识和态度,并能从多角度积极思考,学习和了解相应举措,减轻灾害造成的物质损失和心理创伤。 |
Prepare for a disaster (听说:一课时) |
能调动所学的关于自然灾害知识,归纳、概括、整合所获信息;能按逻辑顺序组织信息;能在实践中运用所学应对与灾难有关的困难,增强解决问题的意识和能力。 |
Project: Give a presentation (项目活动:一课时) |
挑战性学习任务 | |||||||
5. 学习活动 |
在本单元Listening and Speaking这一课时的Listen for details 这一活动中,学生运用所学的听力策略—Listen for details,逆向思考并预判听力问题所对应的细节的类型和要点,如时间、地点、事件、数字、原因、人物等,从而有目的地获取新闻报道中的关键的信息。在这一过程中,学生整合性地学习语言知识,通过分析与判断,内化并运用语言知识,发展了语言技能,提升了逻辑思维,实现了对语言知识的应用实践。 在本课时Make a news report这一活动中,教师给学生创设出真实情境,即学生们是CGTN新闻主播并将对关于地震、火灾和洪水三则有关于自然灾害的新闻进行播报。学生需要整合听力中获取的关于新闻要素、结构和语言方面的信息,选择一则新闻,进行新闻播报。主题探究活动的设计,为学生提供一个良好的学习和思考以及创新的环境,充分激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生主动参与到活动中来。同时将新旧知识有机结合,最终学生在参与过程中实现思维的开拓,并在潜移默化中提升自己的创新和迁移意识,提升语言应用能力,实现对知识的迁移创新。 |
开放性学习环境 | |||||||
6.*开放性学习环境 | |||||||
持续性学习评价 | |||||||
7.主题持续性评价 | (在学习活动栏里填写) | ||||||
8. 单元作业设计 |
Homework in Period 1 (Listening and Speaking):
1. Finish Exercises 1, 2&3 on Page 89. 2. Review the passage and find out more sentences with restrictive relative clauses (限制性定语从句). Homework in Period 4(Discovering Useful Structures): Required: 1. Draw your own mind map to review what you have learned. 2. Collect information about how to prepare for a disaster. Optional: 3. Finish off exercise 4 on P91 in your workbook. Homework in Period 5 (Listening and Talking): 1. Improve your survival manual. 2. Shoot a video to teach other people to get prepared for natural disasters. Requirements: The safety instructions you listed and what emergency supplies people should keep on hand are required. Homework in Period 6 (Reading for Writing): 1. Complete and polish your summary. 2. Compare your summary with your team members’. 3. Read the passage on P92 entitled “The story of an eyewitness”, answer the questions on P93 and then try to write a summary of the text with the guidance of the above. Homework in Period 7 (Assessing Your Progress): Create your own dictionary on natural disasters. Homework in Period 8 (Video Time): Required:
9. *反思性教学改进 | (教学反思在各个课时教学设计中填写) | ||||||
第2课时 | Reading and Thinking | |||||
1.教材分析 |
What: The theme of the reading text is “Describe a natural disaster”. It mainly introduces one of the most deadly earthquakes of the 20th century—Tangshan earthquake, which happened on 28 July 1976. It can be divided into 3 parts, including warning signs before the earthquake, damage during the earthquake, and rescue and revival after the earthquake. Why: The purpose of the reading text is to inform the students of the details of Tangshan earthquake and how to describe a disaster. The core values here are to lead students to form an international perspective and develop an awareness of building a community of shared future for mankind. How: The genre of the text is literary journalism, which is different from a news report. The language used in this passage is descriptive and vivid with different figures of speech. Besides, many numbers are also used to make it more accurate, authentic and convincing. It is a parallel structure with a clear time order. ![]() |
2.学情分析 |
This lesson is designed for the freshmen in senior high school. Through previous learning, students have already had a certain amount of knowledge of natural disasters. But they still want to know more about the topic and improve their reading and thinking abilities. In this period, they will learn to describe a disaster in a new text type and form positive values towards disasters. |
3.教学目标 |
By the end of this class, students will be able to 1. summarize the main idea and sort out the basic structure. 2. acquire detailed information during the three stages of Tangshan earthquake and find out the emotional changes of those sufferers. 3. analyze the language features of the text from numbers and figures of speech. 4. create an article to describe a disaster they experienced or heard of and explore positive values towards disasters. |
4.*重点难点 |
Key Points 1. Lead students to acquire detailed information about Tangshan earthquake. 2. Organize students to create an article to describe a disaster. Difficult Points How to lead students to analyze the language features and apply the writing techniques to their own articles. |
5. 教学过程 | 教学目标 | 教学活动与步骤 | 评价要点 | 时间与互动模式 | ||
Get to know some background information before acquiring the main idea of the reading passage. |
Step 1 Lead-in The teacher leads students to have a free talk about the scenes in the video by asking relevant questions. |
Students are able to describe what they’ve seen and felt about the video briefly. |
IW 2’ |
设计意图:1. To activate students’ prior knowledge about natural disasters. 2. To set up the context and lead in the topic. |
Summarize the main idea and sort out the basic structure. |
Step 2 Read for main idea & structure
![]() 2. The teacher leads students to dig deeper and explore how the text is organized. |
Students are able to get the main idea and sort out the structure by skimming the passage. |
IW/CW 4’ |
设计意图:1.To scaffold students to grasp the gist by skimming. 2.To lead students to sort out the structure. |
Acquire detailed information during the three stages of Tangshan earthquake and find out the emotional changes of those sufferers. |
Step 3 Read for details 1.The teacher guides students to read paragraph 1 to find out the signs before the earthquake and people’s reaction to the signs. ![]() 2.The teacher leads students to read paragraphs 2-3 to find out the damage during the earthquake and people’s reaction to the damage. Then the teacher scaffolds students to analyze the function of the numbers. ![]() 3. The teacher leads students to read paragraphs 4-5 and find out the rescue and revival after the earthquake and people’s reaction. ![]() 4. The teacher scaffolds students to figure out the two clues. ![]() |
Students are able to acquire the detailed information about Tangshan earthquake and practice their ability to acquire key information by different levels of exercises. |
IW/CW 13’ |
设计意图:1.To help students acquire detailed information about Tangshan earthquake by doing different kinds of exercises. 2. To help students sort out two clues of the text. |
Analyze the language features of the text from numbers and figures of speech. |
Step 4 Analyze the language features 1. The teacher draws students’ attention to the title and helps them to analyze what makes it different from a disaster report. ![]() ![]() 2.The teacher scaffolds students to explore what figures of speech the author employs and the writing style of the text. ![]() |
Students are able to identify different kinds of figures of speech and analyze the language features of the passage. |
PW/CW 4’ |
设计意图:To lead students to analyze the language features and writing style from figures of speech and numbers. | ||||||
Develop higher thinking ability by digging deeper into the passage. |
Step 5 Explore more about the title The teacher guides students to discuss with partners and further explore why the author uses “the earth” instead of “Tangshan” by focusing on the title again. ![]() |
Students are able to think deeper into the title and form an international perspective. |
IW/CW 2’ |
设计意图:To promote students’ higher thinking ability by analyzing and summarizing. | ||||||
Create an article to describe a disaster they experienced or heard of and explore positive values towards disasters. |
Step 6 Describe a disaster The teacher adopts ICQ to give clear instructions before the activity, organizes students to discuss how to describe a natural disaster they experienced or heard of and offers help when necessary. ![]() |
Students are able to internalize what they’ve learnt to describe a disaster by discussing in groups. |
CW/GW 13’ |
设计意图:To lead students to internalize knowledge learnt in previous activities and apply it to new situations. | ||||||
Make a summary of this period and form positive values. |
Step 7 Make a summary The teacher makes a summary of this period and encourages students to take a right attitude towards natural disasters. ![]() |
Students are able to sum up the theme and develop positive values. |
CW/GW 1’ |
设计意图:To sum up the theme and value of the reading text. | ||||||
Assess themselves from different aspects. |
Step 8 Self-assessment The teacher leads students to think about what they have learnt and tick the boxes. ![]() |
Students are able to assess their performances in this class according to the checklist. |
IW/CW 1’ |
设计意图:To help students develop meta-cognitive strategies and promote their ability of autonomous learning. | ||||||
6.板书设计 | ||||||
7.作业布置 |
1. Search for more information about natural disasters to polish your article. 2. Read the passage and finish the vocabulary exercise on page 51. 设计意图: 1.To help students to consolidate the learning objective of describing a disaster and develop their ability to create and innovate. 2. To help them get prepared for the next period. |
8.教学反思 |
优点:本节课以大观念为核心的单元整体教学理念为指导,并基于学情设计了学习理解类、应用实践类、迁移创新类的层层递进的教学活动,学生在主题语境下语言能力、学习能力得到锻炼与提升,思维品质得到进一步拓展。教学目标达成度高,教学效果显著。 不足:阅读语篇较长,应给与学生更充分的阅读时间,进行更深入的思考。教师也应更好的调控课堂时间,给与学生更多展示的机会。 |
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com