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高中英语人教版新课标必修四unit3 a taste of english houmour阅读reading_福建教学设计



视频课题:高中英语人教版新课标必修四unit3 a taste of english houmour阅读reading_福建教学设计

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高中英语人教版新课标必修四unit3 a taste of english houmour阅读reading_福建省福鼎市第一中学教学设计

Unit 3 A Taste of English Humour
Reading : A Master Of Nonverbal Humour(Reading & Writing)
   教材:人教版《英语4[必修] New Senior English for China》
本校学生生源在全市属于中上水平,因此教学活动的选择与设计遵循由易到难,且较难的原则,注意给学生搭建一定的语言支架和帮助。本堂为人物传记故事类阅读课,以哈佛大学研究多年、并在现今西方各中学学校教学中盛行且行之有效的Three Learning Keys:Thinking Skills, Interaction & Comprehension为主导教学思想,以active reading为目的,重在培养学生微观、宏观有效攫取课文信息的思维敏锐性、批判性和创造性,以及语言组织和书写的输出能力。用问题和Mindwrite及Summary构图问答形式作为辅助,按细节、理解和创新逐层拔高,引导学生开发性研究学习。学生全部采取小组围坐的形式,有利于学生更好地小组合作和探究。
本课为人教版《英语4[必修] New Senior English for China》U3 A Taste of English Humour的阅读课,紧密围绕Reading文章人物主题,通过法国文学家Victor Hugo的名句“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.”导入引出Bet-game活动:Who Is He?以问题形式逐一列出竞猜提示使学生对本节课学习的人物目标有生动直观的切入,并通过小组活动的讨论、读、写中了解Charlie Chaplin。Mindwrite构图问答形式所涉及的问题直导时代背景、人物内心世界及其成就带给人类的积极影响和作用。通过问题的问答、深入及宏观思考和讨论,阅读和口语相辅相成,通过基于Mindwrite问题基础上对人物简要介绍的Summary达到创新思维和实际解决问题的有效输出目的。最后本课以重温Three Learning Keys:Thinking Skills, Interaction & Comprehension主导教学思想为结束。
通过阅读和Mindwrite,使学生对Charlie Chaplin有基本和直观的了解,帮助学生理清本文的行文结构:人物介绍的书写顺序与内容,并学习其行为带出的“正能量”精神力量;通过小组合作方式,让学生积极思考并回答阅读理解的问题;通过小组讨论,使学生思考并表达自己的想法,提高说的技能;通过思考、讨论、合作、共享,写出人物简介的小作文并共享。
Step1 Lead-in: Bet-game (3mins)
Victor Hugo once said: “Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.” People say up to now nobody has been able to do this better than him.
He was born in 1889;
He was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer;
He rose to fame(成名) in the silent era;
His charming character “the little tramp” made him known throughout the world;
Who Is He?
【设计意图】 引入本堂课Reading人物主题,通过Bet-game和问题竞猜激发学生对主题人物的兴趣及初步了解。
(Individual Work: 13mins )Step2  Reading(13mins):Fast Reading
1.Number each paragraph.
2. Passage structure & Main ideas
PartⅠ(Para 1:) _______ people needed cheering up.
PartⅡ(Para 2-4:)
Para 2: ________ Charlie’s early life was like.
Para 3: ________ his most famous character was like.
Para 4: An ____________ of a sad situation that he made funny.
PartⅢ(Para 5:) His __________________.
Step3 Reading: Careful Reading: Read the text carefully and finish the tasks after each paragraph.
Para.1 What effects does Charlie Chaplin's acting has on people?
※ He was born in a _______family in 1889 and was taught to sing and ________ as a little child. ※ His father’s death made the family even _______ _______ so he spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother.
※ By his teens, his subtle acting made everything ______________,making him one of the most popular child actors in England.
1.Ss tell together what the costume are on the little tramp.
2.The little tramp was a social _______ but was loved for his _________ and _______________ to ______________ all difficulties.
1.Put them into correct order.
A. Chaplin tried cutting and eating the bottom of the shoe.
B. Chaplin and his friend rushed to California in search of gold, but they failed.
C. They were so hungry that they boiled one of leather shoes for dinner.
D. They were caught in a small hut.
E. Chaplin cut off the leather top of the shoe.
F. Chaplin picked out the laces and ate.
The correct order:_____________________
2.Enjoy a short selected video from the film The Gold Rush and think about the Q: How do you feel while watching the vidoe?
Para.5 What can we know about Charlie Chaplin from this paragraph? (  )
A.He was buried in England.
B.He made great achievements in film-making.
C.All the films he starred in were written by himself.
D.He won Oscar for several times.
【设计意图】此环节的活动设计以课文基本信息为基础,旨在带领学生了解Charlie Chaplin为目的,并为后面的Mindwrite问题的解答开始逐步扫清障碍,最终为顺利有效地写出人物简介小作文服务,以阶梯式向上滚动的金字塔为模式,通过过程的习得积累知识,最终输出写作,完成创造性习得任务,充分调动学生学习Three Learning Keys的实际运用与操作能力。而教师值得注意的是,在核对答案的过程中除了给出正确答案之外,还应当激发学生辩证思维能力,以激活学生学习的主体意识。例如,在Para.5设计的这道单选题中,可以问学生,为什么D或者其他选项不宜入选。学生给出理由的同时,教师又给出要“知其然,且要知其所以然”真实力的暗示,活跃了课堂气氛,又帮助学生加深对文本真实信息的巩固。考虑到问题难度较浅和时间关系,此Reading环节主要以Individual Work模式为主,但教师在引导过程中鼓励组员做必要的小范围沟通和讨论。
(Group Work:13 mins)Step4 Advanced Reading:Mindwrite
It must have at least two or more examples per each element below.
Participants in each group are going to mindwrite Charlie Chaplin in the text while reading the passage aloud if necessary. 

(Points of View)
Personality Traits
Generalize What Kind of A Person Charlie Chaplin Is in about 30 words.
【设计意图Mindwrite思维问答表格属哈佛教学研究中学研究出为实现a creative thinker and peoblem solver最终学习目的采用的Three Learning Keys教学手段中采纳的一种实用有效的方法之一。这些问题的设置,拔高了文章理解高度,较高级别应用到Three Learning Keys,并对学生在第一个Reading环节微观掌握文章基本信息基础上,进一步从宏观角度拔高对人物内在精神、时代背景和成就影响等方面的探讨和理解高度。并用一种较高层次的逻辑思维整理出逐一要点,不仅为书写,关键为书写人物简介的一句话的Summary任务预备最清晰有效的信息框架以便稍后直接攫取。考虑到问题跨度较大及最充分有效利用时间,本题完成过程教师鼓励学生以小组讨论为主,并可见缝插针点拨过程中遇到的困难。思考、阅读和解题交叉进行,并可组内分享以完善要点。完成要点书写后要求做组内汇报:❶组员按要点每人负责一点从1至8点逐一向小组汇报,❷汇报过程其他组员注意听,可讨论、可修改、可补充要点。最后教师给出每个要点范例,并说明没有标准答案,只要有理有据即可。
(Individual Work: 2mins )Step5 Summary:Personality Traits: Generalize What Kind of A Person Charlie Chaplin Is in about 30 words.
(A sample):Charlie Chaplin was a man who had a gift for using mime in acting and understood and sympathized with people’s problems, being optimistic, confident and determined to overcome all difficulties.
(Group Work:6 mins) Step6 Share of Summary:
(Group Work:4 mins: an appendix if time is available) Step7 (fill in the blanks)A Brief Introduction to Chaplie Chaplin:
Chalie Chaplin, born in poverty in 1889, was taught to sing and dance and became one of the _______ popular child acto rs in London. With his own suffering, he understood and sympathized with people’s problems and tried to cheer them ____, so he brightened their life
and inspired them with his c_________ acting, where he showed his o__________, confidence
and determination. He is loved and remembered as a great actor.
(2 mins)Step8 Conclusion
【设计意图通过与学生的共述再次强调本节课的主导思想及任务,即以Three Learning Keys:Thinking Skills, Interaction & Comprehension为手段,实现了creative reading and writing.
(1 mins)Step9 Assignment
▲Polish your writing;
▲Think about the question and discuss : Why do you think Charlie Chaplin was so successful? Write a short passage to show your ideas and supporting points.
【设计意图】巩固本节课习得,进一步深化挖掘Charlie Chaplin的成功学并向之学习。
A Master of Nonverbal Humour(Reading)
In this period we are to do Active Reading using Three Learning Keys:Thinking Skills, Comprehension and Interaction.
Ⅰ(Individual Work: 13ms)Reading
1.Fast Reading:Passage structure & Main ideas.
PartⅠ(Para 1:) _______ people needed cheering up.
PartⅡ(Para 2-4:)
Para 2: ________ Charlie’s early life was like.
Para 3: ________ his most famous character was like.
Para 4: An ____________ of a sad situation that he made funny.
PartⅢ(Para 5:) His __________________.
2.Careful Reading:Read the text carefully and finish the tasks after each paragraph.
Para.1 What effects does Charlie Chaplin's acting has on people?
※ He was born in a _______family in 1889 and was taught to sing and ________ as a little child. ※ His father’s death made the family even _______ _______ so he spent his childhood looking   after his sick mother and his brother.
※ By his teens, his subtle acting made everything ______________,making him one of the most popular child actors in England.
1.What costume the little tramp have on him?
2.The little tramp was a social _______ but was loved for his _________ and _______________ to ______________ all difficulties.
Para.4 1.Put them into correct order.
A. Chaplin tried cutting and eating the bottom of the shoe.
B. Chaplin and his friend rushed to California in search of gold, but they failed.
C. They were so hungry that they boiled one of leather shoes for dinner.
D. They were caught in a small hut.
E. Chaplin cut off the leather top of the shoe.
F. Chaplin picked out the laces and ate.
The correct order:_____________________
2.How do you feel after seeing the short video?
Para.5 What can we know about Charlie Chaplin from this paragraph? (  )
A. He was buried in England.
B. He made great achievements in film-making.
C. All the films he starred in were written by himself.
D. He won Oscar for several times.
Q: Who is Charlie Chaplin? / What does he do?
3. (Group Work:13 mins)Advanced Reading:Mindwrite
It must have at least two or more examples per each element below.
Participants in each group are going to mindwrite Charlie Chaplin in the text while reading the passage aloud if necessary. 
(Points of View)
Personality Traits
Generalize What Kind of A Person Charlie Chaplin Is in about 30 words.
Ⅱ(Individual Work: 2mins )Summary(Personality Traits): Generalize What Kind of A Person Charlie Chaplin Is in about 30 words
Ⅲ(6 mins)Group Work:
● Share your Summary with your group members.
● Each group selects the most impressive Summary and gives a report.
(4 mins) (fill in the blanks)A Brief Introduction to Chaplie Chaplin (An appendix if time is available )
Chalie Chaplin, born in poverty in 1889, was taught to sing and dance and became one of the _______ popular child acto rs in London. With his own suffering, he understood and sympathized with people’s problems and tried to cheer them ____, so he brightened their life
and inspired them with his c_________ acting, where he showed his o__________, confidence
and determination. He is loved and remembered as a great actor.
Ⅴ(1 mins)Conclusion
Today we did active reading applying three learning keys: Thinking Skills, Comprehension and Interaction.
(1 min)Assignment
▲ Write a brief introduction to Charlie  Chaplin in about 70 words according to the 5      points above in Mindwrite; consideration of using the 6 points: Who, What, Why, How, When and Where to be included in your writing might help you.
▲ Think about the question and discuss : Why do you think Charlie Chaplin was so successful? Write a short passage to show your ideas and supporting points.
Students Self-assessment
In this period, how well did you do while you were finishing these tasks?(Total Score:24)
1=Badly 2=Need Improvement
3=Well 4=Wonderfully
Tasks Level
1  Previewing the text 1 2 3 4
2  Thinking Skills 1 2 3 4
3  Comprehension 1 2 3 4
4  Interaction 1 2 3 4
5  Answering the questions 1 2 3 4
6  Creativity 1 2 3 4
Your Final Score:______
A Master of Nonverbal Humour(Reading)
In this period we are to do Active Reading using Three Learning Keys:Thinking Skills, Comprehension and Interaction.
Ⅰ(Individual Work: 13ms)Reading
1.Fast Reading:Passage structure & Main ideas.
PartⅠ(Para 1:) _______ people needed cheering up.
PartⅡ(Para 2-4:)
Para 2: ________ Charlie’s early life was like.
Para 3: ________ his most famous character was like.
Para 4: An ____________ of a sad situation that he made funny.
PartⅢ(Para 5:) His __________________.
2.Careful Reading:Read the text carefully and finish the tasks after each paragraph.
Para.1 What effects does Charlie Chaplin's acting has on people?
※ He was born in a _______family in 1889 and was taught to sing and ________ as a little child. ※ His father’s death made the family even _______ _______ so he spent his childhood looking   after his sick mother and his brother.
※ By his teens, his subtle acting made everything ______________,making him one of the most popular child actors in England.
1.What costume the little tramp have on him?
2.The little tramp was a social _______ but was loved for his _________ and _______________ to ______________ all difficulties.
Para.4 1.Put them into correct order.
A. Chaplin tried cutting and eating the bottom of the shoe.
B. Chaplin and his friend rushed to California in search of gold, but they failed.
C. They were so hungry that they boiled one of leather shoes for dinner.
D. They were caught in a small hut.
E. Chaplin cut off the leather top of the shoe.
F. Chaplin picked out the laces and ate.
The correct order:_____________________
2.How do you feel after seeing the short video?
Para.5 What can we know about Charlie Chaplin from this paragraph? (  )
A. He was buried in England.
B. He made great achievements in film-making.
C. All the films he starred in were written by himself.
D. He won Oscar for several times.
Q: Who is Charlie Chaplin? / What does he do?
3. (Group Work:13 mins)Advanced Reading:Mindwrite
It must have at least two or more examples per each element below.
Participants in each group are going to mindwrite Charlie Chaplin in the text while reading the passage aloud if necessary. 
(Points of View)
Personality Traits
Generalize What Kind of A Person Charlie Chaplin Is in about 30 words.
Ⅱ(Individual Work: 2mins )Summary(Personality Traits): Generalize What Kind of A Person Charlie Chaplin Is in about 30 words
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Ⅲ(6 mins)Group Work:
● Share your Summary with your group members.
● Each group selects the most impressive Summary and gives a report.
(4 mins) (fill in the blanks)A Brief Introduction to Chaplie Chaplin (An appendix if time is available )
Chalie Chaplin, born in poverty in 1889, was taught to sing and dance and became one of the _______ popular child acto rs in London. With his own suffering, he understood and sympathized with people’s problems and tried to cheer them ____, so he brightened their life
and inspired them with his c_________ acting, where he showed his o__________, confidence
and determination. He is loved and remembered as a great actor.
Ⅴ(1 mins)Conclusion
Today we did active reading applying three learning keys: Thinking Skills, Comprehension and Interaction.
(1 min)Assignment
▲ Write a brief introduction to Charlie  Chaplin in about 70 words according to the 5      points above in Mindwrite; consideration of using the 6 points: Who, What, Why, How, When and Where to be included in your writing might help you.
▲ Think about the question and discuss : Why do you think Charlie Chaplin was so successful? Write a short passage to show your ideas and supporting points.
Students Self-assessment
In this period, how well did you do while you were finishing these tasks?(Total Score:24)
1=Badly 2=Need Improvement
3=Well 4=Wonderfully
Tasks Level
1  Previewing the text 1 2 3 4
2  Thinking Skills 1 2 3 4
3  Comprehension 1 2 3 4
4  Interaction 1 2 3 4
5  Answering the questions 1 2 3 4
6  Creativity 1 2 3 4
Your Final Score:______

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