视频课题:人教版高中英语选修八Book8 Unit 3 Inventors and invent西安
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:人教版高中英语选修八Book8 Unit 3 Inventors and invent西安市长安区第一中学
A Teaching Design for Writing
新授课 选用教材 人教新课标选修八Unit 3
本节课是一节以训练学生思维为主导的探究性写作课,目的是要让学生掌握如何写一封申请信。通过学生自主学习、合作探究、教师点拨、归纳总结等过程帮助学生寻找到申请信的写作方法。同时让学生运用课堂所学的知识,小组内合作完成写作任务,并通过自我评价、生生互评和师生互评学会如何修改一篇作文来使之更加完善。最终把学生独立写作作为作业来呈现,以达到学有所用,以学致用的目的。在这堂课中,教师仅仅是提出问题、提示思路的导演,学生才是课堂的主角。所以应以学生的课堂表现和最终是否通过独立思考和小组合作来呈现作文来评判这节课的价值。 教学重难点
教学难点 文章框架的确定和相关写作要素的积累
教学重点 发现申请类信件的写作要素和方法
三维目标 知识与技能 帮助学生了解和应聘工作相关的表达,发现并掌握申请类信件
的写法,提高学生的写作能力和自主学习能力。 过程与方法 通过思考、讨论、总结、写作、修改、评价、再总结等一系列
情感、态度与价值观 让学生们初步认识应聘工作这一社会活动;与此同时,通过学生的小组合作和探讨,激发学生的写作兴趣,提高学习的热情。 教学策略制
教学方法 探究法、交际法教学、任务型教学、小组合作的体验式和过程性写
教学工具 黑板、多媒体课件、教材
Teaching procedure
Purpose Step One: Lead-in
Question: What kind of job do you want to do in the future? Several pictures about a job hunting: What’s in their hands?
To arise the interest of students and lead in the
topic------a letter of application
Step Two
1. Guessing game
Give each group a sheet which has a description on it. Let students
guess: what kind of job does he/she apply for?
My name is LiHua. I studied in Xi’an Jiaotong University and
graduated this summer. I like computer and English best and I am very good at them. Last year, I won first prize in the school computer competition. I want very much to devote my life to computer engineering. B I am Zhanghong, female. I was born on July 4, 1980 in Qingdao and graduated from Qingdao Teachers’ College in July 1999. I have learned English for twelve years. I am good at listening and spoken English. I’m patient and can get along well with others. C I’m Wangjing, a world champion in pingpong. I began to play pingpong at the age of seven. I trained hard and have won scores of gold medals in international table-tennis games and won great honour for our homeland. To train more excellent athletes is my ambition. D My name is Fangwei. I once worked in Jianguo Hotel for three years. I like singing and dancing. Besides, I can cooperate with others well. In my spare time, I have studied Business Management and practise speaking English. I think I’m qualified as a duty manager.
Answers: A. Computer engineer B. English teacher C. Pingpong coach D. Duty manager
Through a guessing game let students
have a
sense of application letter and help them find out the
necessary information that may be used in
writing in
the next part
2. Let’s brainstorm
What information should be included in an application letter? (based on the descriptions)
Let students discuss in groups and the representative write down their ideas on the blackboard, and teacher will guide students to conclude together.
To find out some common information for
letter and prepare for their writing
3. Let’s read and find
Read the model on page 27 and find out some useful writing skills from it. (any aspect is accepted) To let students find out how to write an application letter by themselves
Step Three Writing
1. Let’s practise
Will you be my TA(teacher’s assistant)? Writing Task: Write a letter to your English teacher, telling her that you want to be a TA of English subject. (100 words) Let students cooperate with group members to finish the letter with instructions. After that, ask the students to evaluate their writing, and then present 1 or 2 in the class. Guide students to find out the merits and shortcomings of other group’s writing and think together to make the writing a better one. To guide the students learn to evaluate their writing and let them be aware of their advantages and disadvantages in writing
2. Let’s polish
Discuss in groups to polish your writing. You may change some words and sentences if necessary. (use a red pen) Evaluate their writing again and then present 1 or 2 in the class. Guide the students to find out their improvements they have made by looking at their own revisions . To develop students’ ability to polish their writing and let them have a knowledge of the criteria of a good essay 1. Summary
Let students think about what they have learned in this class: Did I enjoy the class?
Have I learned some writing skills?
Have I participated in group discussions politely and helpfully? I have made progress in ______________________________ I need to improve in _________________________________ To let
students summarize what they have
learned in this class and have a clear mind about their learning today
2. Teacher’s words to students:
My dear students,
Rome is not built in a day! You can not master all writing skills in just one class. Keep trying , and you'll gain confidence and pleasure from learning.
Remember, practice makes perfect!
To stimulate the interest of writing and give them
confidence to learn English Step Five
Show the homework on the screen and also by speaking Individual writing:
(Use what we have learned today) The editor of 21st Century Newspaper wants to employ some high school students as part-time journalists. Write an application letter to
him to ask for a job.
consolidate the writing skills learned from the class
Information may include: Group 1 Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
A Letter of Application
What we find: Purpose: apply for a job Structure:
Part 1 Beginning Personal details Part 2 Body Work experience Part 3 Ending
1. 授人以鱼不如授人以渔。本课注重培养学生运用自主思考策略和小组合作策略从所给素材及课本范文中获取信息,引导学生学会学习、学会发现。通过过程性写作教学,使学生初步了解写作该类作文的基本步骤和方法,激发学生的写作兴趣,促进学生学习习惯的养成。为了避免传统写作教学当中存在的学生语言积累不够,感到难无从下笔的情况,我力求从多方面整合教材,大胆改革,实现写作的快乐化、高效化,并为学生的思考、讨论、构思、写作过程、修改及评价进行有效策略指导。
2. 教学环节层次分明,环环相扣,前后统一,共同服务于教学目标。从课前导入,到写guessing game环节后的归纳总结,到阅读课本范文的探索发现,到小组合作完成写作模板并修改润色,到课后作业使用课堂所学独立写作,每一个环节都为了让学生通过合作式体验和过程性写作感知英语申请信作文的写作特点,并模仿范文进行了写作训练,最终达到提高学生此类体裁的书面表达能力的目的。
3. 打破传统,考虑学生的实际情况,力求让各个水平的学生体验成功的快乐。充分考虑到我们学生的现状,我把课堂上传统的individual writing变成了cooperative writing,把个人独立写作当做作业布置下去,从而和课堂上的学习形成一个整体,体现了以学致用。这样做一方面消除了一些原本英语水平较弱的同学的自卑心理,让他们敢于探讨,敢于参与,敢于表达自己想法,另一方面通过小组合作,,使程度较弱学生知道怎样构思、怎样下笔写一篇作文以及怎样的作文是一篇好的作文,从哪些方面入手,最后以小组的形式呈现,这激发了学生的学习兴趣,调动了学习的积极性,尊重了不同智力类型的学生,让更多学生体验到了学习的成功和快乐,让他们爱上学习、爱上写作。
4. 侧重学生的自主合作学习。自主合作学习模式是经过专家论证的高效学习模式,有利于学生改变传统的被动接受的学习方式而采用积极主动的、参与式和合作式的英语学习方式,发挥自己的学习潜能,提高学习效率。从写前的guessing game 到brainstorming,从阅读文本发现写作要素到共同合作完成作文,从组内探讨修改文章到小组之间互相评价,自主合作学习充分的发挥了它的积极作用,实现了课堂的有效教学,促进了学生能力的发展。
当然,课堂是一个不断追求卓越的平台,对这节课我也有感觉遗憾,有待继续完善的地方。首先,对课堂临时出现的情况未能有效处理,例如在学生黑板上呈现讨论结果的过程中,有的小组写的答案超出了表格所给范围,导致板书布局有些偏差。其实,学生能想到更多的personal information是值得表扬与鼓励的,虽然在形式上影响了板书的美观,但对于课堂来说,就并不重要了。其次,在教学过程中,由于考虑课堂时间的关系,我最后的修改后作文呈现略显着急,节奏有点赶。总之在自己的教学中,我还存在者很多不足,在今后的教学中,我会不断的超越自己,更好的提高自己的教学水平,服务于全体学生。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com