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Oxford English8A, Module 3 8A Unit 6 Caught by Gork 上海外国语大学松江外国语学校

视频标签:Caught by Go


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 Oxford English8A, Module 3 8A Unit 6 Caught by Gork 上海外国语大学松江外国语学校

By the end of the class, students are expected to:
1. understand the new words: captain, crew, unexplored, partly and except
2. understand basic information of the story through fast reading, predicting and careful reading
3.understand the conflict of the story
第一部分 Caught by Gork   第二部分 Escaping from Gork
活动1【导入】Stage one
1.Introduce Captain King
  T:Today I’d like to introduce a new friend to you.
Look and answer: Who is he?  
T: Yes, you are right. King. Actually he is the captain on a spaceship.
  (Write the new word on the blackboard and ask students to read after me)
Learn the new word captain
T:  Is he very handsome? Maybe just so-so, right? But in my opinion, he is very cool because he has already explored some planets.
(Write the new word on the blackboard and ask students to read after me)
(3)Learn the new word explored
  T: People have spent a lot of time exploring the space, but most of it is still unexplored.
(Write the new word on the blackboard and ask students to read after me)
  (4)Learn the new word unexplored
  T: Right now, you must be a little bit curious about Captain King, right? So I prepared a story for
you to know more about him.
 (5)Think and answer: What information do you expect to get from a story?
       (to get the basic elements of a story)
 (Write “who, when, where, what” on the blackboard )
活动2【活动】Stage two
T: First, please read the introduction of this story and think about what the story tells us.
Read and answer: What is the story about?
  T: Obviously it’s about Captain King’s adventures.
Think and predict: What kind of adventure happened in this story?
 (Something exciting, something dangerous, something unbelievable and so on)
  T: So we had an idea about “What”, how about the other three? Please read the part one of this story and try to find the answers.
Read and think: Who was in the story? When and where did it happen?
  T: How about the characters? Can you give me some names?
(Invite students to answer and write the names on the blackboard)
  T: We call all the members on a spaceship the crew.
Learn the new word crew
(Write the new word on the blackboard and ask students to read after me)
  T: When and where did it happen?
(Invite students to answer and write the proper answer on the blackboard)
  T: Since you have already answer the questions you raised by yourself. How about my
questions? Please work in pairs, ask and answer the question on your week sheet.
(5)Discuss in pairs
a. Why did they land on an unexplored planet?
b. Did they see anything unusual after landing? What was it/were they?
c. What’s your first impression (印象) of Gork and Captain King?
     Invite students to answer)
Because they were lost and were running out of food.
Yes, they did. Some huge doors, some huge furniture, a monster, some giant kangaroos and so on.
Captain King is ________. Gork is _____________. (Invite students to give reasons)
T: Since Gork was unfriendly. So what would he probably do to the crew after he gave such a frightening roar?
(7)Predict: What would Gork probably do to the crew?
He would probably eat them. He would kill them. He would probably catch them.)
T: So let’s read part two of this story and try to find out the fact.
     (8)Read and answer: What did Gork do to the crew?
 T: Yes, Gork caught them. But how?  
(Invite students to answer the question.)
  T: So the crew were caught like rats in a trap. What did they probably feel at that time?
  T: I don’t agree. I think Peters was not frightened at that time because he was very brave. His was my superhero. Do you think so?
  T: What do you think of Peters and why?
   (Students read again and find some evidence.)
  T: OK. You convinced me. I agree that Peters was timid. How about Captain King and Gork? What do you think of them? Please read part two again and find out the evidence. For Gork, you can use straight line and for Captain King, you can use wave line.
     (9) Read and find the evidence
  T: So what do you think of Gork? And why?
   (Cruel, cold blooded and so on)
   (Find the words and actions of Gork from the passage.)
  T: How about Captain King? And why?
   (Clever, optimistic, brave and so on)
(Find the words and actions of Gork from the passage.)
活动3【活动】Stage three
 T: So this is the end of this story. Would you like to choose a title for it? Here are three choices. So which one the best?
Think and choose
   (Invite student s to make a choice and give reasons.)
  T: So the best title is “Caught by Gork”. I’m wondering whether they could escape from Gork successfully. So let’s have a group discussion: Was it possible for the crew to escape? Why?
Have a group discussion
    (Invite students to give answers and write them down on the blackboard.)

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Caught by Go”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“Oxford English8A, Module 3 8A Unit 6 Caught by Gork 上海外国语大学松江外国语学校”,所属分类为“初中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“Oxford English8A, Module 3 8A Unit 6 Caught by Gork 上海外国语大学松江外国语学校”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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