
视频课题:第八届全国小学英语教师课堂教学比赛课02河北六年级Danny's summer holiday
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第八届全国小学英语教师课堂教学比赛课02河北六年级Danny's summer holiday,02河北 刘 存 六年级Danny's summer holiday
Lesson 17 Danny’s Summer Holiday
冀教版六年级下册Unit3 Lesson 17《 Danny’s Summer Holiday》
在本课的设计实施上,我首先从孩子们真实生活出发。六年级学生就要毕业了,在2016年这个漫长而又自由的暑假中,如何安排自己的生活,发挥学生的主观能动性,通过任务型的语言教学途径,引导他们设计自己的暑假计划。本课以summer holiday为主线,通过学习Danny’s summer holiday, 阅读Freddie’s summer holiday,了解Hana’s summer holiday,设计并讨论自己的summer holiday plan.孩子们在老师有圈有点的指导中输出自己丰富多彩的暑期生活计划。
本课学习对象为小学六年级学生,他们已经有了一定的知识储备。文本涉及到的词汇基本都见过,本课的目的是运用will… 的表达方式,讨论几个月之后的暑假生活和安排。在和孩子们讨论过程中我发现他们的想法局限,大多生活比较单一,于是我给他们提供了海报的资源,海报内容设计到了他们感兴趣的话题,为他们有意义的讨论搭建了平台。
本课是冀教版小学英语六年级下册第三单元第17课,是一节新授课。在本单元中,不仅运用will…介绍了夏天,明天要做的事情,而且介绍了Jenny, Li Ming的暑假计划。本节课是介绍Danny的暑假生活。内容接近生活,学生乐于了解。
● 通过本课学习学生能听、说、读、写并灵活运用重点词汇learn to fish。
● 学生能听懂、会说、会读下列句型:What will you do? I will… 并能用重点句型I will 描述自己和他人的暑假生活。
● 学生能理解并朗读课文,能在具体的情境中恰当运用will…
● 学生乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。
● 学生规划健康,愉快的暑期生活。
● 在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考,用于表达。
● 会通过听音,速读抓取主要信息。
● 用英语表达自己的真正想法。
StepⅠ Class opening and warming up (5分钟)
T: At first, let’s play a hangman game. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (holiday). Do you like holiday? Which holiday do you like? Why? I know you will have summer holiday.
It’s long and special. Do you know why?
S1: No homework.
T: Yes. Will you stay in bed all day?
Ss: No.
T: Will you watch TV all day? Will you play computer games all day? Wow, that’s wonderful! Look, Summer holiday is coming! (播放关于毕业季暑假生活的视频).
T: Is it cool? Are you happy? What will you do this summer holiday?
S1:I will take a trip to Shanghai.
T: What will you do this summer holiday?
S2: I will go to the cinema.
T: What will you do? I will… Let’s “play chain game”. One minute.
S1: What will you do this summer holiday?
S2: I will…
(设计意图:从内容上是运用旧句型what will you do?谈论今天的话题,畅想暑假生活。从形式上活跃了气氛。)
StepⅡ New concept (20分钟)
Learn to fish
T: Will you learn something new? I will. I will learn this…( Action), guess, yes, learn to fish. Repeat it one by one, then spell it on the blackboard. Can you fish? If you can’t, learn to fish.
(设计意图: 在自然谈话中教授了新词learn to fish, 也为以后的阅读扫除了障碍。)
T: Will Danny learn to fish this summer holiday? Let’s listen Danny’s summer holiday.
T: Will Danny learn to fish this summer holiday?
S1: No, Danny learnt to fish last summer.
(设计意图:学生们带着问题What will Danny learn? 整体感知课文。)
T: What will Danny do this summer? Read it and underline the sentence.
Then talk with your partner.
S1:Danny will learn to fish.
T: Will Danny learn to fish this summer?
S2:Danny will visit grandparents.
T: Where do they live?
S3: They live near the big forest.
S4: Danny will fly to China.
T: Can Danny fly? How does Danny fly to China?
T: .Why will Danny fly to China?
S4:Because Danny will play with Li Ming. They are good friends.
T:Now, can you tell me what will Danny do this summer holiday?
S5: Danny will learn to fly, he will fly to China, he will visit his grandparents, he will play with Li Ming.
T: Do you like Danny’s summer holiday? If Danny flies to China, if Danny comes to Dong Guan, what will you do with Danny?
S1: I will play football with Danny.
T: Look, who is coming? Danny will make new friends. .Hello, Hi, Nice to meet you.
I will fly to Dongguan, what will you do with me.
D: It sounds nice./ Good idea./Thank you, I like it./ I love it. / You are so cute.
(设计意图:用思维导图的方式总结Danny在暑假中做什么事情,很直观,同时思维导图也是指导孩子们阅读的好方法。另外,老师深入的挖掘教材,fly to China这里的意思是坐飞机去中国。老师顺接着孩子们的回答又进行延伸性提问,从而进一步的延伸了教材。)
StepⅢ Drill (8分钟)
活动1:Freddie’s summer holiday:
D:Wow, Dongguan is so great, I will have fun here in summer holiday, I want to invite Freddie, but he is busy, let’s see.
T: What about Danny’s friend Freddie? Read it quickly and find: Where will Freddie go? Will he have a great summer holiday?
S1: He will go to the summer camp.
S2: Yes, he will have a great summer holiday.
T: What will Freddie do in the summer camp? Look at the pictures and talk with your partner.
S1: What will Freddie do ?
S2: Freddie will go swimming. What will Freddie do?
S1: Freddie will cook a meal.
T: Do you like Freddie’s summer holiday? Why?
(设计意图:首先通过听力活动孩子们获取关键信息:He will…this summer holiday, 之后通过细读课文,对文章进行反馈。)
活动2:Hanna’s summer holiday
T: What about summer holiday in America? My friend Hanna will tell us. Let’s watch and take notes.
T: What will they do this summer holiday?
S1:They will swim, go to the summer camp and visit her grandpa.
T: Remember what they will do. 10 seconds.
S1: They will go swimming, visit grandparents, go to the water park, play soccer, go fishing, go to the summer camp.
T: Good memory.
StepⅢ Show their own plan (4分钟)
T: They will have a fun holiday, what about you? Do you want to invite them to Dongguan. May be this can give you some ideas.
Summer Holiday Plan
Role play:
A: Danny/ Freddie/ Hanna will come to Dongguan…
B: Do a report. Make your summer holiday plan.
Prepare and show
StepIV Class Closing (1分钟)
T: Today we talked about the plan of summer holiday, In the holiday, you will …
Key sentences: what will you do? I will… The winner group is Team1.
The homework is :write down your summer plan.
参考文献:《义务教育英语课程标准》 (2011年版)
Lesson17 Danny’s Summer Holiday
What will you do?
I will…
A. Talk about your favourite poster.
B. Talk about your own plan.
T: Choose one and tell why in your group.
The students prepare and talk about theirs in open class.
T; Which group will show your holiday?
S1: We will.
S1,S2,S3,S4 走到教室前边表演:
S1: Now, we are in the park. Hi, Jenny, what will you do this summer holiday?
S2: I think I will go the New Zealand.
S1: Wow, New Zealand, is it far from China?
S2: Of course.
S3: Hi, Jenny and Suzy, what are you talking?
S1: We are talking about the summer holiday, Jenny will go to the New Zealand.
S4 What will you do in New Zealand, Jenny?
S2: I will go to the Queenstown and eat the big hamburger…
S4: That’s cool.
S1: How about our summer holiday? Three, two, one?
Step Ⅳ Class Closing (1分钟)
T: Miss Liu hopes you will have a meaningful holiday.
T: Homework, please write down your plan for the
summer holiday. Tomorrow let’s show your plan with
classmates. Class is over.
Ss: Goodbye Miss Liu, thank you.
Lesson 17 Danny’s summer holiday
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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