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book3 unit1 reading and thinking Why do we celebrate festivals山东省成武

视频标签:celebrate fe


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book3 unit1 reading and thinking Why do we celebrate festivals山东省成武第一高级中学

Model3 Unit1 Why do we celebrate festivals
山东省成武第一中学 邵郡
Teaching goal:
      To discover the topic sentence of each paragraph and make out the structure of the whole passage. learning goal:
      To develop reading skills in different ways and know the reasons for festivals and celebrations.
Emotional goal:
                       To appreciate our own culture,and respect other cultures.
设计二: 教学步骤
 Step 1:Leading-in
 Step 2: Fast-reading
Tips: Identify the “topic sentence” of each paragraph.It is a good idea to place topic sentences at the beginning of paragraphs.It is a good idea to place topic sentences at the beginning of paragraphs.
 Step 3: Intensive-reading
 1.Time:The important agricultural festival takes place after the crops have been gathered in.
       Reason:People celebrate to show that they are grateful for the year’s supply of food.
Activities: Egypt:it featured a parade, a great feast with  music, dancing and sports.
European countries: people decorate churches and  town halls with… get together to celebrate over a meal.
China: Mid-Autumn Festival: families gather to admire the shinning moon and enjoy delicious mooncakes. 2.Why do some traditions possibly fade away?
Because of the development of modern society and the spread of new ideas.
3.How does the author support his topic sentence,and why?
A.By giving examples.
B.By making comparison.
C.By making experiment.
D.By stating arguments.
 Step 4:Summary
Part 1:
 (para 1) → common spirit of festivals Part 2:
 (para.2-4)→ the harvest festival ;Changes of customs;Commercialisation Part 3:
 (para.5)→ Importance
Step5 :Discussion
According to the pictures, how do you feel about the phenomena about the old traditions fading away?
Possible tips:
With social development and human progress, it is common for many old customs to be abandoned(抛弃,遗弃).  
    Although they brought us joy, they are no longer suitable for modern life.
Take Kongming lanterns for example. In the past, flying them was one of the celebrations, but it caused many fires and huge losses. Because of people's awareness of environmental protection, the custom has gradually become a good memory.
   In my opinion, no matter how the customs change, the significance of the festivals is to remind us to love and be loved! And we should learn to cherish our families and friends in the festival.
Celebration is for better progress!
Step6 : Assignment
Try to write a passage about a festival that you are familiar to.
 Your passage should include:

  • a topic;
  • the development, function and importance of the Chinese writing system;    ③ a conclusion.
[设计意图]: 落实课堂输入,升华主题。

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