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在线播放:外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)Unit4 Friends forever CLICK FOR A FRIEND成都市树德中学

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外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)Unit4 Friends forever CLICK FOR A FRIEND成都市树德中学

视频标签:Friends fore


视频课题:外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)Unit4 Friends forever CLICK FOR A FRIEND成都市树德中学

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外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)Unit4 Friends forever CLICK FOR A FRIEND成都市树德中学

Book 1  Unit4  Friends forever 
Understanding ideas : Click for a friend
Shude High School   Li Le

I. Lesson Analysis

Following the topic of family, this text continues to talk about what matters in our life – friendship. The objective of this unit is to enable students to be aware of the importance of friendship, get to know what is real friendship and feel the changes in the ways of making friends as technology advances, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of online friendship. With a title called click for a friend, the text featuring an argumentation focuses on the changes in making friends and the authenticity of online friends, aimed to facilitate the students to realize the rationality of making online friends as well as analyzing the structure and the features of an argumentation.
In the first half of the passage, it presents the changes in making friends due to the advances in science and technology; in the second half of it, the writer shows us the rationality or reasonability of making real friends online. As an example of non-persuasive argumentation, the text shows the readers the basic structure of an argumentation. 

II. Learners Analysis

As typical senior one students from Shude High School, the target students are mostly capable of expressing their ideas in English and outgoing as well as cooperative. At the same time, Ss are willing to show their potentials in the teaching process, which enables the teacher to focus on an efficient and practical output. With the input of starting out in this unit and the acquired significance of family, one of the most important ingredients of life, the students will be voluntarily get involved in another meaningful component of life – friendship.

III. Lesson Objectives

At the end of this class, the students will be able to:
  1. grasp the main idea, figure out the attitude of the writer about online friendship and explore the writing purpose;
  2. analyze the structure of the passage and get to know the basic structure of an argumentation;
  3. develop a rational understanding of making friends online and promote critical thinking about online friendship.

IV. Difficult and Key Focus

  1. Guide students to understand the main idea, and explore the writing purpose, attitude and the features of an argumentation;
  2. Enable students to think critically and present their ideas.
V. Teaching Aids
Multimedia devices, visible thinking devices and blackboard.

VI. Teaching Procedures

Stages   Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose
Lead-in (3 min.)
Appreciate the song of Auld Lang Syne and ask a question:
What is the name and theme of the song?
Transit to the theme of friendship and ways of choosing friends with a question:
If you lose contact with your old friends, what will you do?
war Answer questions and get med up.
To activate Ss’ acquired knowledge and naturally transit to the text.
Prediction  (5 min.)
Ask Ss to brainstorm ways of making friends.
Ask Ss to predict the content according to the title and word cloud.
Brainstorm ways of making friends. (CW) Predict the content of the text, using the title and word cloud. (IW) To improve Ss’ language competence and learning ability by predicting the content.
First reading 
(Learning &
(5 min.)
Ask Ss to skim the text and summarize the main ideas. Ask Ss to explore the writing purpose. 1.
Go through the text quickly and summarize the main idea. Explore the writing purpose.
 (IW & GW)
To help Ss get the main idea by skimming and explore the writing purpose.
Second reading (Applying & Practicing) (12 min.)
Ask Ss to read the text again and find the author’s attitude towards online friendship. Put Ss in groups of 6 and draw a mind map to analyze the structure of the passage. 1.
Read the text carefully for the second time and find the author’s attitude towards online friendship.
Analyze the structure of an argumentation. (IW & CW)
To enable Ss to have the ability to learn the attitude and get to know the structure of an argumentation.
Critical thinking (Transferring & Creating)
(10 min.)
Divide Ss into groups of 6 and discuss:
Shall we make friends online?
Invite Ss to present their ideas.
Give assessments and deepen understanding of online friendship.
2. 3.
Use Group mind map and prepare in small groups for the discussion.
Discuss the question. Make an oral presentation  Evaluate the presentation using the rubrics. (GW & IW)
To enable Ss to have a critical thinking into online friendship.
Consolidation &
(2 min.)
Ask Ss to watch a video about real friends and appreciate a saying by Zhuangzi to end the class. Watch a video and appreciate the saying of Zhuangzi.
To help Ss foster an appropriate value of making true friends.
(2 min.)
  1. Encourage Ss to translate the saying about making friends by Zhuangzi.
  2. Let Ss go further study with the help of a questionnaire and write a passage titled “ What makes a real friend?”.
  1. Translation;
  1. Research on the questionnaire & write a composition. 
(A Must-do)
(IW & GW)
To feel the interconnection between Sinowestern cultures on friend-making.
                                     IW = individual work            GW= Group Work         CW = class work

VII. Writing on the Blackboard

文本框: Argumentation文本框:

VIII. Attachment


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