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译林版高中英语Module2 Unit 3 Amazing People The Curse of the mummy江苏省 - 南京

视频标签:the mummy


视频课题:译林版高中英语Module2 Unit 3 Amazing People The Curse of the mummy江苏省 - 南京

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译林版高中英语Module2 Unit 3 Amazing People The Curse of the mummy江苏省 - 南京

1.Help students master reading skills of prediction by guessing the connection between the title and the explorer.
2. Help students understand the main idea and the outline of the passage.
3. Enable students to learn the personality of Howard Carter and learn from this amazing person.
Teaching important points:
1. Cultivate the students’ ability of predicting information and develop students reading competence.
2. Help students summarize the personalities of Howard Carter.
Teaching difficult points:
1. Help them find specific information in the relative exercises.
2. Guide students to write the composition in groups through cooperation.
4.1Teaching procedures
Teaching procedures:
Step 1  Lead-in
Check the homework.
Among some amazing people, who is your hero and why?
Step 2  Reading strategy
1. Try to make connections between the explorer and the title to predict the contents of the article.
2. Look for key words about the explorer in paragraph 1 to make your prediction more specific.
Step 3  Fast reading for general ideas
Skim the text and match the summaries with the correct paragraphs.
Para 1    a. There is a scientific reason why people died after entering the tomb.
Para2    b. Howard Carter did not go to school and later became an explorer.
Para3    c. Lord Carnarvon died after visiting the tomb.
Para4    d. Howard Carter discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun.
Para5    e. Howard Carter is a world-famous explorer.
Para6    f. The ‘curse of the mummy' remains a mystery.
Para7    g. More people died after Carter’s discovery.
Para8    h. People keep wondering why so many people died and have suggested all kinds of explanations.
Step 4  Careful reading for detailed information
1. Read para1-3
(1) Find the detailed information about the explorer.
Instead of going to school, Howard Carter learnt to   ①    from his father. He was②    and   ③    about the world outside his hometown when he was very young. By the 1920s, he had become an   ④   ,     ⑤   for the tombs of the Egyptian kings. In 1922, Howard Carter made his most   ⑥  discovery of all, in the   ⑦  of the Kings, in Egypt, where he found the tomb of King   ⑧      .
(2) Answer questions.
2. Read para4-5
Fill in the following chart.
Who was he?
How did he die?
Pet bird
Lord Carnarvon
George Gould
Richard Bethell
Authur Mace
3. Read para6-8
Find out different explanations about their death.
1.Some people say:______________
2.Others believe that: ______________
3.However, still others believe : ______________
4.The writer’s opinion : remains a______________
Step 5  Summary of the passage
An introduction to Howard Carter and his (1)_____
● Howard Carter is one of the most famous (2) ________.
● In 1891, he set (3) _____ for Alexandria, Egypt.
● In 1922, he and his team discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun.
● He made many amazing (4) ________ during his lifetime due to his bravery and curiosity about the world.
The mysterious
● Carter’s lucky pet bird was(5) _________ by a snake.
● Lord Carnarvon, from whom Carter had (6) ________ money, fell ill with a fever and died in Egypt.
● George Gould, a friend of Carnarvon’s, had a high fever after (7) ________ the tomb and died.
● Richard Bethell, Carter’s (8) ________, died of heart trouble after the tomb was opened.
● Arthur Mace, a member of the team, died shortly after discovering the tomb.
The explanations of the deaths
● Some people say the deaths were just coincidence.
● Some believe that the mummy’s curse (9) ________ in the deaths.
● Others believe in the scientific explanation that the (10) ______ inside the tombs can cause illness or even death.
Step 6  Further thinking
What kind of person do you think Howard Carter is? Why? Do you think the personality of Howard Carter has a positive effect on his discoveries?
Step 7  Writing
As for students, in order to succeed in the future, what sorts of personalities does a student have to possess?
1. Work in your group.
2. Mark the composition between groups.
3. Present one writing in class.
Step 8  Homework
1. Improve your writing after class.
2. Read the article again after class and underline the important words and phrases.

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