视频课题:外研版九年级上册Module 7 Unit 1 We're still influenced by Confucius's ideas.辽宁省 - 大连
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外研版九年级上册Module 7 Unit 1 We're still influenced by Confucius's ideas.辽宁省 - 大连
Module 7 Great books
Unit 1 We’re still influenced by Confucius’s ideas.
本课是外研版新标准英语九年级上Module7Unit1的第一课时。本模块的话题是围绕名人、名著展开的。第一单元的对话是由贝蒂想参加一个网上有关名著的讨论而展开的。贝蒂和杰克逊先生的对话提及了孔子和莎士比亚这样的伟人,学生可以由此展开讨论,总结自己喜欢的作家,讨论名著,与大家分享感受。对话呈现了被动语态的用法,学生可以在真实的语境中感受这一抽象的语法现象。 二、学习者分析:
学生对本模块的知识有一定的基础知识,可以在已有知识的基础上,丰富词汇和语法,讨论自己喜爱的作家作品,锻炼综合语言运用能力。 三、教学目标: 语言知识目标:
1. 功能:能够谈论自己喜爱的书籍和作家
2. 语法:掌握一般现在时被动语态的概念和用法 3. 词汇:
基准目标:discuss, wise, review, influence, sense, make sense, by the way, suppose, well-known 选择目标:thinker
4. 语音:能够辨认并掌握句子重音
1. 听:能够听懂谈论人物或文学作品的对话 2. 说:能够谈论自己喜爱的作家作品
1. 通过学习,加深对中国传统文化的了解,加强对西方名著作家、戏剧家及其文学作品的了解
2. 通过学习,树立好读书、多读书、读好书的意识,通过读书,不断丰富自己的学识
四、教学资源与工具设计: 教师教学资源:
主要包括教材提供的资源,OHP和PPT教学课件、白板及pad。 学生学习资源和工具:
多媒体教室、教材、PPT教学课件、白板。 五、教学过程
Step 1 Play a brainteaser教师通过有趣的脑筋急转弯和含有被动语态的提示引出话题book What has leaves but it’s not a plant?
Hints: It is used at class by teachers and students.
It is made of paper.
It has many pages. (页= 叶leaves)
Step 2 教师展示三本学生熟悉的名著引导学生在book前添加修饰性的形容词,引出great books
运用白板的拉幕功能设计了有关书的脑筋急转弯,引起学生的学习兴趣;在学生补充形容词的同时引导学生更好地理解great book的重要意义,从而引入本模块的标题。 (二)Task
Step 3 Task: “虽时光流逝,唯书籍不朽!”为了激励更多的同学阅读,校英文广播站将开展一个访谈节目,主题是“你喜爱的伟大作家和他的作品”。如果你被邀请当嘉宾,你会如何介绍你心中的作家呢?
在课前先提出task, 让学生明确本节课的最终任务,教学过程的一切为此任务服务,这是个task-based,即任务型教学的设计。
Step 4 Enjoy a video about three great writers and their works. 让学生欣赏视频,再填表格。 Writers Great works Confucius Shakespeare Mark twain
Step 5 Listen and fill in the form.
works Confucius 1. a great __________________ in ancient _________
2. lived over 2000 years ago
Shakespeare 1. was ________ and wrote many ________________
2. died about 400 years ago
Mark Twain 1. an __________ writer 2. his _______ are set over 100 years ago
教师提问“从这一列中可以得到有关great writers的什么信息?”,引出brief introduction.
Step 6 Listenand fill in the form. Step 7 Read and check the answers
Great writer
writers brief introduction great works
1. His works ___________ by many people.
2. We ______still __________ by his ideas today.
1. His plays _________________ to us. 2. People _______ always ______, and _______ always _______ his books. Mark Twain
1. His books are still ___________.
教师提问“从这一列中可以得到有关great writers的什么信息?”,引出influence.
Step 8 Read again and answer the questions. What's Mr. Jackson's opinions about Confucius?
Do you agree with the opinion “Confucius was a very wise man”? Why or why not?
教师通过答案里出现的句式结构He accepts/thinks/supposes…/I can learn about…提问“用这些结构可以表达什么?”,引出opinion.
Step 9 Conclude the framework
How to introduce a great writer colorfully and logically(有逻辑的)?
教师通过之前几个活动练习,让学生自己总结写出,brief introduction, works, influence, opinion, 框架补充完整。
学生体验环节包括看视频、听力填表、阅读填表、阅读回答问题、总结框架五部分,这五部分的设计旨在通过不同的教学活动完成一个有关如何介绍great writer的框架。通过欣赏视频,学生可以轻松而愉悦的找出要讨论的三个作家和他们的作品;通过第一个听力,学生可以总结出每位作家的基本介绍;通过第二个听力和阅读对话,学生可以总结出每位作家的影响,在此过程中感知被动语态的使用情境;通过再次阅读回答问题,学生可以总结出如何发表自己的观点,两个问题的设置有梯度,第一个是简单的搜素信息类,第二个是开放性的发表观点类,在阐述答案的过程中能够应用表达观点的句式;最后,给出框架,学生可以根据以上表格的各列将框架补充完整,为下一步的任务输出做准备。
a great writer
Step 10 Practise reading
两个人一组练习对话的朗读,提醒学生注意语音、语调和重音。 Step 11Retell the dialogue according to the form in groups.
Step 12 A talk show about great writers and their works
6人一个小组,完成一次脱口秀的展示。首先,根据小组合作理论分配角色,在每个小组成员明确自己的任务后进行练习,并选择两组进行表演。 1 student : the leader of the group
2 students: to search for the information on the Internet 1 student: the presenter of the show 2 or 3 students: the guests of the show Step 13 Quiz
Module 7 Great books
Unit 1 We’re still influenced by Confucius’s ideas 学案
Studying aims(学习目标)
writers |
great works | |
Confucius |
1. a great __________________ in ancient _________ 2. lived over 2000 years ago |
Shakespeare |
1. was ________ and wrote many ________________ 2. died about 400 years ago |
Mark Twain |
1. an __________ writer 2. his _______ are set over 100 years ago |
writers |
brief introduction |
great works |
Confucius |
1. His works ___________ by many people. 2. We ______still __________ by his ideas today. |
Shakespeare |
1. His plays _________________ to us. 2. People _______ always ______, and _______ always _______ his books. |
Mark Twain |
1. His books are still ___________. |
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writers |
brief introduction |
great works |
influence | opinion |
Confucius |
ancient China a teacher and thinker |
The Analects |
are read by... are influenced by... |
I suppose... I accept... I agree... because I can learn... |
Shakespeare |
English plays and poems |
Romeo and Juliet Hamlet |
make a lot of sense have read, will read |
Mark Twain |
American stories |
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer |
important still popular |
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com