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译林英语五下Unit4 Seeing the doctor苏州市相城区太平实验小学

视频标签:the doctor


视频课题:译林英语五下Unit4 Seeing the doctor苏州市相城区太平实验小学

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译林英语五下Unit4 Seeing the doctor苏州市相城区太平实验小学

1.能听懂、会说和会读单词和短语:giraffe, point at, neck.. 
A:What’s wrong with …?
B:I have a …
We should / shouldn’t….
3. 理解对话内容,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,能够根据提示复述故事, 给别人提出一些保持健康的建议。
1.能听懂、会说和会读单词和短语:giraffe, point at, neck.. 
A:What’s wrong with …?
B:I have a …
We should / shouldn’t….
2.  学会关心他人,给他们提出一些关于健康的建议。
活动1【导入】Step1 Free talk and warming up
1.Free talk
T: Do you brush your teeth every day? How many times do you brush your teeth every day?
Do you often eat fruit? What fruit do you like eating? Why?
Do you always play computer games at the weekend? What do you often do?
2.Play a game
T: By the way, brushing your teeth is good or bad for us?
S: Good. 
T: And what about eating fruit? Always playing computer games?
T:Let’s play a game: “Yeah yeah yeah” or “No No No”
T: If the activity is good for us, please say “Yeah Yeah Yeah”, If not, please say “No No No”
S: …
T: These activities are good for us, so we can give the advice like this : We should…
  And these activities are bad for us, so we can give advice like this : We shouldn’t…
T: If we always do these activities, and they are bad for us. What will happen?
S: We will be ill.
T:Now look at these pictures and guess : What’s wrong with him/ her?
T:They are ill. What should they do? 
S: They should go to see the doctor.
T: Today we will learn Unit 4 Seeing the doctor.
活动2【讲授】Step 2 Presentation and practice
. Presentation.
T: Where should they go?
S: They should go to the hospital. Today Bobby is in the hospital. He helps in the hospital. And there are four sick people.They come to see Bobby. Listen and guess, Who are they?
T: It has a long neck. (教授 neck)
S: It is a giraffe. (教授 giraffe)
T:Let’s watch cartoons. And find the answers:  What’s wrong with they?
S:The monkey’s arm hurts. The rabbit’s ear hurts. The elephant’s nose hurts. The giraffe’s nose hurts.
T: How do you know the giraffe’s neck hurts? Do you remember the sentence?
S: The giraffe points at his long neck. (教授 point at)
2. Read in details.
T: Now, read the dialogue on P42, and try to find the answers.
(1)After Bobby’s treatment, are they happy? Or are they sad?
(2) What can’t they do?
T: What can’t the giraffe do? Can you guess?
S: Maybe it can’t eat / drink...
T: Do you know how does a giraffe sleep?
S:It can’t sleep.
4. Reading
T: The cartoon time is very funny. Right? 
(1)Read after the computer.
T: Who can imitate Bobby?
S: Oh, No! (惊讶的)
T: Can you guess : Why is Bobby so surprised”
S: Because the giraffe’s neck is too long. Maybe there isn’t enough band.
(2) Read together.
(3) Act the dialogue.
活动3【活动】Step3 Consolidation
1. Do exercise on the exercise paper. 
2. Discuss with your partners. Write the numbers in the circles. And give advice.
3. Include
T: Your advice is so great. I like your advice. We can do a lot of things to make us strong and healthy. And the most important advice is :
(1). We should do sports every day.
(2) We should happy every day.
(3) We should have a healthy diet.
(4) We should have a good rest.
T: Remember these 4 advice, please! And try your best to do it ! I think everyone of us will have a strong and healthy body. And at that time, we can say “Byebye” to the medical records. OK?
活动4【作业】Step4 Homework
1.Read and retell the story.
2.Give advice to your friends or family.

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